Ex-Bucs QB Shaun King Says Jon Gruden Is Inherently Dishonest

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Sweets, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Shaun King who co-hosts the the King David Show on WQYK-AM1010 in Tampa had some choice words about current TV analyst and former Bucs coach Jon Gruden according to JoeBucsfan.com. Of course, former Bucs wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson had issues with Gruden and told an ESPN audience last month that "it was just something about the way I was being coached, talked to, dealt with." King, who is one of but three quarterbacks to lead the Bucs to an NFC title game, was in the locker room to see first-hand the vile that existed not just between Johnson and Gruden, but other players. So King decided to detail some of the friction that went on between Chucky and his players and why few, if any players, respect Chucky. Part of King’s undressing of Chucky was an explosive comment, “Jon Gruden is inherently dishonest.â€￾

    Source: The Redzone
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2011
  2. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    well, i'm not sure exactly what the 'inherently dishonest' things are..... it's rather vague in the article and i don't have time to listen to the audio right now. but, i'm sure chucky rubbed a lot of players the wrong way. he's very intense and says a lot of things that would rub people wrong.
  3. CStevenson13

    CStevenson13 1st Stringer

    Not saying he's lying but when ur that vague it's like why even comment, it comes off as sour grapes for something that may have happened while he was there.
  4. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    I wonder what brought up the issues.
  5. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Rich Gannon only has nice things to say about Chucky. He was actually very close to signing with the Bucs while Gruden was there.

    Ownership and Gruden gave Gannon an authentic game jersey with his name and number on it at a party they held, trying to woo him into playing there instead of retiring.

    Gruden seems like the type of coach that would be hard on some but baby others. No doubt he played favorites.
  6. AtlantaBlazer

    AtlantaBlazer Knuckles The Echidna's Brother

    I got the chance to interview him for our podcast last week, and King tends to be straight forward with what he means. He didn't sugarcoat what he thought, but then again, we didn't veer anywhere towards personal questions (history with the Bucs or Gruden).

    Just thought I'd throw that out there *walks back into the shadows*