Former Super Bowl MVP and CBS' analyst Phil Simms made waves yesterday with his proclamation that Andrew Luck was being "hype[d] a little too much" and that he didn't see "big time NFL throws" from the Stanford redshirt junior quarterback. During the Stanford-Southern Cal game, Rob Rang of CBS Sports spent about 45 minutes talking to a high level scout who also had reservations about the Stanford quarterback. The scout began the conversation about Luck by asking Rang's assessment of Luck's arm strength. Rang told him that he did not believe that arm strength was Luck's greatest asset, but that having scouted Luck in person and off of video, he believed him to have plenty of zip on the ball to make every NFL throw. Rang also pointed out that Luck's anticipation and accuracy -- arguably his two best features -- more than made up for a lack of a howitzer for a right arm, and the scout agreed that Luck's anticipation and accuracy "were what make him special" but used April's No. 1 overall pick Cam Newton as a comparison to drive a point home about how much Luck has been over-hyped thus far. "I'm not so sure that after scouting each of these guys closely that some scouts wouldn't favor Newton over Luck," the scout said. "Newton is so much more of a physical specimen. He's bigger, stronger, faster and has a gun. Luck, for all of the things he does have, doesn't have an arm like that. I think the perception is that Carolina would have taken Luck in a heart beat over Newton. Maybe they would have. But I think it would be a closer call than most people think based on the hype." Source: CBS Sports
Luck is overrated?!?!? REALLY?!?!?! You tell me how many NFL starters are playing for him on offense. He is everything and more, that kid is damn good. Sounds like someone/team is trying early to devalue his worth already hoping and praying they can get him.
I typically think college players are all over hyped. That's not to say they won't be any good but I don't like putting so much into a player's stock that hasn't played a down at the professional level yet. That being said he IS without a shadow of a doubt the best college QB right now and that alone justifies a lot of the hype he's getting.
You never know until he actually hits the field in the NFL and then it really depends on where he lands and what system he's in. NOTHING is a guarantee in the As far as a prospect goes...that's another thing.
This. NO FREAKING CLUE. Could be great. Could just suck at the pro level. Could break his elbow in TC his rookie year and never get back on track.
I agree with 86Ward...i also think the scout that said this works for the Miami Dolphins #smokescreen lol
He's the best QB prospect in a reasonable amount of time. That said, he's not light years in front of some recent college QBs (Sam Bradford, Matt Stafford) that people make him out to be. If Luck is a 98, Bradford/Stafford are 96 or so. Also, the Luck/Newton thing is a little mis-leading. As a QB prospect, Luck was/is light years ahead. Running a pro-style offense with a former QB as your head coach are valuable assets which Luck has had. Newton has transitioned to the NFL much better then I expected and has to be near a dream come true for Panthers fans. But going back to the draft in April, not taking Luck would have been foolish.
Luck is a much much better prospect than Bradford/Newton. And as much as I hate to say it, he was probably a better prospect than Matt Stafford, because Stafford throw more ints.