Coming soon: The NFL Europa Features

Discussion in 'Site News' started by ollysj, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    For the upcomming NFL Europe season, that is going to start on 4/14/07, we will have some special features on the site.

    • Pick 'em league - I had set up a winner and a score game. I'll donate vCash to the winner and the runner up of every league. 10k for the winners, 7k for the 2nd place and 3k for the 3th place. So 40k vCash are up to grab.

      Bets - Bet to the games at the Bookmakers section or 101 to other board members

      Gameday Threads - Since there is a gameday, we will have the Gameday Threads back

      Coverage - I had started The NFL Europa thread. Check it out for the latest informations about the league and give me some more input or feedback

    I hope you all enjoy these features
  2. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    I intend on cashing in big time with my vCash!
  3. flea

    flea ???????

    Can't wait
  4. timbok

    timbok the man

  5. DoubleC

    DoubleC i'm ready now...

    • Cool!
      V-cash! V-cash!
  6. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Didn't you say you don't care about the NFLE DC? :mrgreen:

    [smilie=ohboy.gif] It's all about the vCash
  7. DoubleC

    DoubleC i'm ready now...

    Yep! I'm vGreedy.
  8. skinsfan1

    skinsfan1 BANNED

    look forward to it.