After signing a free agent deal last season offensive lineman Brian Waters showed up in Foxboro exactly a week before the first game, quickly learned the playbook, then went on to have a Pro Bowl season. Waters, who is under contract for this season, has been home in Texas with his family. To this point, the team hasn’t made any waves publically about his absence. Karen Guregian of the Boston Herald reports that when asked today during his conference call if Waters was returning, Belichick remained mum, just as he has all through training camp. â€I have no comment on that,†Belichick said, adding, â€I will say, personnel decisions, whatever they are, we’ll always do what we feel is best for the football team.†Source: The Redzone
All we can do is speculate that it's the same story again and we'll see Waters lined up in Nashville next Sunday. If he chooses to not come back, the line is still in trouble because Cannon just isn't ready to be a starter yet for some reason. Solder/Mankins/Connolly/Waters/Vollmer is what we're all hoping to see next week.