I created a league on yahoo. It is a free league for anyone who wants to join, no prize just bragging rights. draft is september 1st at 7:30 PM EST. the league id is 541150. password is football http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/?lid=541150 theres a link to the homepage of fantasy football for yahoo
we have an odd number of teams come on [MENTION=1541]Chipper10[/MENTION] we need an even number of teams to draft please help us out
A little under 6 hours till the draft. Right now we have an odd number of teams and can't draft with an odd number of teams. So we just need one more to join
If we get close to draft time and still have an odd number I will make it public so anyone looking to join can join
DRAFT NOW [MENTION=2348]y2kbug[/MENTION] [MENTION=3845]groenator[/MENTION] [MENTION=555]Omen[/MENTION] [MENTION=566]ragman[/MENTION] [MENTION=521]Sweets[/MENTION] [MENTION=533]saintskickass[/MENTION]