Patriots Preparing To Trade WR Wes Welker?

Discussion in 'New England Patriots' started by SRW, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Mike Freeman of CBS Sports reports that league sources have mentioned that there’s “more than some remote possibilityâ€￾ the New England Patriots are preparing to put WR Wes Welker on the trading block.

    Welker’s recent demotion has come as shock to many, as has the increased snaps for Julian Edelman, who the Patriots are hoping to have as Welker’s replacement. Talks between the Pats and Welker went nowhere months ago, and it seems even more unlikely that they’ll be willing to compromise on a long-term contract a year later.

    Normally, players like Welker are not available at the trade deadline, but the NFL did us a favor and pushed it back until after Week 8, which will allow teams to mortgage their future in the hopes of making a playoff run.

    Source: NFL Trade Rumors
  2. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    guess the combo of the superbowl drop and the contract talks have made him expendable now
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    INteresting fantasy impact here.
  4. flexnfx

    flexnfx flexnfx

    Talk about out thinking yourself. How in the world to you demote the best slot WR in the league (showing no diminishing skills), give his job to a pale imitation and consider trading him. I smell a McDaniels move more than anything. He ruined the Broncos, set the Rams offense and Sam Bradford back a year and now he's doing his best to mess with the Pat's offense.
  5. Alcohol_IV

    Alcohol_IV eBattle Champion

    Could we be looking at a .500 season?
  6. flexnfx

    flexnfx flexnfx

    The Pats seem hell bent to prove some weird point instead of playing to win. If they really wanted to replace Welker, they should've signed Amendola when they had the chance.
  7. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    back to the fins
  8. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    how quickly has this guy has fallen out of favor in NE..............
  9. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    No freaking way they actually do this.
  10. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    hes good (mostly because hes fearless) but hes a product of them, they are showing they wont miss a beat with edelman and their 9 TE sets
  11. TheSnowman

    TheSnowman #1 Trap Star

    Doesn't make sense now that they've lost one of their top targets, but they didn't get where they are by doing what people expected of them..
  12. flexnfx

    flexnfx flexnfx

    I still smell a Josh McCheese with this and I don't think this will end well for anyone.
  13. Cletusaurus

    Cletusaurus YES! YES! YES!

    It's funny how Welker's initial explosion in 2007 was in a Josh McDaniels offense. And he succeeded with Cassel in a Josh McDaniels offense.

    Anyways, I don't know what the hell the team is doing right now. They didn't pull this crap with Mankins or Wilfork when they were franchise players and then signed the deal, why would you screw around with Tom Brady's (you know, the guy who's QB'd you to 5 Super Bowl appearances in his tenure?) favorite target? Stop freaking around and Feed. Wes. The. Ball.