Cowboys owner Jerry Jones can't be too happy after his Cowboys lost to the Falcons 19-13 last night, dropping his team to 3-5. But according to Matt Barrie of NBC 5 in Dallas, Jones was the angriest he has seen him after Jones was locked out of the team's locker room and had to bang on the door for them to let him in. It's possible that it wasn't so inadvertent and Jones was locked out so the coaching staff could share a few minutes with the team but regardless, he made it in and held court with the reporters. We know many Cowboys fans would like to take the keys to the team away from Jones but that's not going to happen. Source: The Redzone
get the heck over it jerry they lost to the only undefeated team in the league, based upon what i read, they hung in with them for most of the game you're not a coach, a real gm, or a freaking guy with a clue. please freaking die soon
i'm by no means a JJ hater and don't even really dislike most of what he does but he admitted in an interview they aired last night that JJ the owner would fire JJ the GM if they were two separate people.. so JJ the owner needs to fire JJ the GM. and JG the coach while he's at it.
Been saying it for a while. He needs to step down as GM and get a football guy in there to run his team. I mean look at Dez Bryant...he's a mess and now he needs permission to go to a club for his own birthday party...that's just dumb. Who freaking has birthday parties at his age?!? You know who? Freaking T.O. And the cowboys know how that turned out. Raiders Part II.
It's be awesome if you were just some random equiptmrnt guy in there, no ones watchin you and as he starts banging just be heck "heck off old man"
haha. locked out of the locker room .................. that's a clear message for jerry to heck off but will jerry get that message?