49ers Coach Jim Harbaugh Has 'No Limits' As He Prepares For Bears

Discussion in 'San Francisco 49ers' started by SRW, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Jim Harbaugh’s doctor reminded him about a healthy diet and minimizing caffeine and sent him back to work after a minor procedure to correct an irregular heartbeat.

    The San Francisco 49ers coach was back on the job Friday after missing a day. He pronounced himself 100 percent as his team prepares to host the Chicago Bears on Monday night at Candlestick Park.

    “No limits," Harbaugh said, according to Matt Barrows of the Sacramento Bee. "Going about everything as normal."

    Harbaugh experienced an irregular heartbeat on Wednesday and underwent a cardioversion procedure which restores the heart’s normal pace.

    "It's like I've had that dream before many times where you're supposed to be taking a test, or the team's out there practicing and you're not out there," he said. "So just glad to be out here."

    Source: National Football Post
  2. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    dude is pretty intense ............. wonder if his intensity contributed to the heart problem?
  3. flexnfx

    flexnfx flexnfx

    Prolly from all his overcompensating...dude needs to come out and quit hiding who he is.
  4. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    um, ok .............. never heard that rumor.............:scratch:
  5. flexnfx

    flexnfx flexnfx

    All you have to do is watch the guy...he seems intent on acting as "manly" as possible....like the short guy that drives the big truck.....

    I wish him the best and just have to wonder what he's trying to cover up by watching his over the top, machismo mannerisms. Whatever it is, I hope he can let go and be who he is.