The Pittsburgh Steelers announced they have waived running back Chris Rainey following his arrest for a domestic battery incident this morning in Gainesville, Fla. “Chris Rainey’s actions this morning were extremely disappointing,†Steelers General Manager Kevin Colbert said. “Under the circumstances and due to this conduct, Chris will no longer be a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers.†Source: The Redzone
Yeah, well QB's are hard to replace, that's their logic. Think about it though Santonio Holmes got caught with weed like what once? He got cut immediately. Rainey has a small very irrelevant battery charge and he's gone. Roethlisberger rapes/attempts to rapes women twice and the team didn't even flinch.
[ame=]Steelers Waive Rainey Following Arrest - YouTube[/ame]
Holmes' rap sheet was much longer than just one weed charge. He had a couple domestic violence charges as well. Roethlisberger's never been charged with anything. Not sure what you are talking about. Some here say? Some made up stories? Lol...
Lol...what fog? Seriously though, Roethlisbeger wasn't charged and had no history of "misbehaving." Both Rainey and Holmes were charged and had previous histories. Just a theory.
Are you really that naive Ward? You honestly can say that people saying twice that they were raped/trying to be raped by him isn't fishy? I don't know but for me once, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, twice you did it.
Are you that naive to believe that a money hungry female wouldn't try to accuse him of the same crime he was already accused of before to make it even more believable, and have an even better at getting a massive payday? That's why he doesn't even leave the house any more because he would be a big time target. The 3rd person to accuse him will probably hit the jackpot. Do I think he did it? Don't know. Do I care if he did it? Not in the least.
this forum is so full of haters lmao. well when i say full, i mean like 11 of the 13 people who post are haters. big ben is a completely different situation, and arguing otherwise is simply goobered.
He's guilty of some dirtbag behavior...most professional athletes are. If you think otherwise, you're naive. He's also guilty of being an idiot and putting himself in that situation. Most of my comments are sarcasm. Bottom line is that he was never charged, arrested, convicted of anything. These other guys were and had histories that would warrant being cut. Not a lot of hate around these parts for Ray Lewis...just saying.
Oh no I really meant to put that in right after I had posted that saying that I do know that their are just straight up money hungry females who will actually heck the guy then claim that he raped them, it's a classic. I may be mistaken but I think that these incidents were pretty decently spaced apart by maybe a few years, and usually if anyone wants to hop on the bandwagon and hit that pay day they would come out when the other woman came out and not something like 2 years later.
For what it's worth, I read today that another witness came forward to say she saw what happened and he didn't hit her and they were arguing over a backpack and it just looked that way. So that's a point in support of the argument to let things play out before rushing to judgment I guess.
Agree with letting things play out. For what it's worth, they can't technically release him until after the Super he's still on the roster until at least February 3rd...