So the NFL is considering a change to the "Tuck Rule". While that's great, there's other rules that probably should be addressed to improve the game. If you had the power to add, get rid of, or change an existing NFL rule, what would it be?
Take out hitting a defenseless receiver. It's is the most annoying over used bullcrap call I have seen.
I would CREATE a rule. The rule would say that the fans can vote to retain the commissioner every 2 years.
The removal of the "two feet down and a "football move" rule" on catches. Way too many fumbles/touchdowns have been wrongly revoked because of this vague determination of the latter. From my point of view, once the ball is in and two feet are down, it's a completion and whatever happens afterwards happens.
I'd probably take away some of the protection on quarterbacks. Some of the penalties called on guys running into them are ridiculous now.
I Think that some of the PI Calls and defenseless/personal foul penalties should be challenge plays costing the teams a challenge if the refs determine the penalty DID OCCUR and retaining a challenge/to if it did NOTafter a review.the rules going to the ground need to be redetermined too. tuck rule should have been gone a long time ago.
i would implement a rule that helmets are no longer allowed. players certainly wouldn't lead with their heads anymore (not only defensive players, but also offensive players, who do it just as much).
99% of fans dont even actually understand what the commisioner does, yet they should be able to vote him in and out? They'll get upset about a rule change and vote a dude out, when the comissioner has nothing to do with it. Thats a freaking goobered idea.
I would change the 5 yard chuck rule. As long as you don't impede the receiver then you should be able to do to him as he does to you. They give receivers free reign now.
I would get rid of the automatic first down for a defensive holding call. Tired of seeing your 3rd and 24 result in a first down because a defensive player "held" an offensive player that wasn't even near the play.
I don't think anyone here is really who he's talking about. He's talking about the casual fan. They cant even get pro bowl players right. Why would we let then pick the commissioner?
If this was the case I'm sure the commissioner would do things a little different no? They'd think a little harder about all the decisions that are made (including the pro bowl) instead of cat footing around everything.