The exodus of key figures from the Baltimore Ravens continues.'s Ian Rapoport reported on Wednesday linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo will be released. The news originally was reported by and quickly was confirmed by Ayanbadejo on his Twitter account. "I would like to thank the city of Baltimore and the Ravens organization for an amazing ride. We will forever be united as champions!" he wrote. Ayanbadejo's name has been in the news plenty for his strong stance supporting gay marriage rights. He always was considered a risk to be released this offseason because his salary was relatively high for a special teamer, and his play declined some in 2012. Source:
I think this shows that the Ravens organization is clearly full of rabid anti-homosexuals from top to bottom, and should be subject to harsh league sanctions as a result. In this day and age the league cant just stand idly by and accept such vile homophobia from one of its members. I say strip a year of draft picks and a 20 million cap reduction to start.
ST is a young man's game, Ravens have some young LB's they'll pay half what they were paying BA and his play was starting to slip. Class guy tho, wish him the best. Oh, and they're all homophobes lol