Brace yourselves: The anonymous New York Jets player has struck again. His target? Mark Sanchez.'s Mike Freeman talked with yet another unnamed Jets player who told him this week, "Everyone on the team likes Mark personally, but there's a general feeling among some of the players that maybe it's time to give someone else a chance." The masked source estimated that 80 to 90 percent of the roster agrees. Naturally, none of the players has gone on record with that sentiment. Source: [URL="][/URL]
This crap again? Why do i get the feeling that the media is making up these stories, just to confront the players about it, so they could get some sound bytes to use against the team later on. Like, its the same crap day in n day out. NY media making fools of the team. ...and i fade back to black.
I'll admit many reporters grasp for news when there is none, but you're kidding yourself if you think it's the media that's responsible for making this team look like a bunch of fools. Reporters aren't making things up, it's everyone on the squad who keeps saying and doing dumb crap that creates a problem.
Perhaps this unnamed player and everyone else in the Jets locker room needs to listen to Mr. Namath about Mark haha. I wouldn't be surprised by a Jets beat writer making up an unnamed source, with the NY sports media competition, but Freeman is not part of that. Not that it means he truly did speak to a player that said it.
He's lost it on the field which translates to losing the locker room. Goes hand in hand... What still amazes me is how many parents didn't name their kids cuz there's always stories quoting these poor bastards.
I'll give you that the team is in disarray, but to say that the media is not fabricating stories is just BS. Like the poster said...NY media is competing against themselves to sell papers. How is it that the Giants win the superbowl, but the papers keep running BS on the jets? They know ppl want to read about it cuz DRAMA, like s*x, SELLS. So when the organization shuts the door on the media n they have nothing to talk about...they come up with these "anonymous" sources. N if it is a player...its probably a low end, ready to get chopped, disgruntled player (Simms, McElroy, practice squad guy). Someone with an agenda which makes them an unreliable source anyways. There are worse teams in the their very own division...yet its the jets everyone is talking about. The media made it acceptable to use the jets as a piñata n now everyone has a stick. Smh. The team sux...but the media is making them out to be a peewee football team. N that's just plain agenda driven BS. ...and i fade back to black.