Former NFL star Chad Johnson will serve 30 days in jail after violating probation in a domestic violence case involving his then-wife, TV reality star Evelyn Lozada. A plea deal that called for no jail time fell apart Monday. Broward Judge Kathleen McHugh rejected it after Johnson playfully slapped his attorney on the behind in court. McHugh says Johnson wasn't taking things seriously enough, even after he apologized. McHugh also extended Johnson's probation for three months. Source: Sporting News
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E And he hasn't learned a thing...
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E hahaha i saw the video to funny his life has really gone to the crapper post nfl
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E If there was ever a time NOT to hit your lawyer on the backside, that would be dumbbutt.
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E Do we have pics of this lawyer? And why the heck would this guy take anything "seriously", when he's made millions being a class clown?
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E Dammit....a dude? Though his butt in the clink for a year.
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E I haven't seen the video, but I hear it wasn't that bad and that the judge is over reacting because everyone in the court room, including the bailiff chuckled at the pat.
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E That was real smart Chad, right in front of the judge. Could you have atleast waited until you exited the courtroom to pat your lawyer on the ass? Oh, the judge was a female too. Pissing off a woman is not the smartest idea.
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E No touching of any lawyer of any gender should be the rule of thumb in this
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E Chad atleast could have waited until he and his lawyer got outside the courtroom where the judge couldn't see it. Oh well, it's his hole he's digging.
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E yes, c.j. is a moron for doing it but that judge is way out of control. she's full of herself.
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E Tons of judges act like that in their private fiefdoms without consequence. Most of us learned that in some form or another but CJ just never grew up. :icon_smile:
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E He's been released.
Re: Former NFL WR Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail After Slapping Attorney On Rear E He told the judge he was sorry, and she let him go. What a b!tch