One day after his release from custody -- after serving seven days of a 30-day jail sentence -- Chad Johnson joined ABC's "Good Morning America" on Tuesday to reiterate his apology for his actions. Johnson said he hoped he would get another chance to make an NFL team so the abuse of his ex-wife and subsequent jail time aren't the last things fans remember about the wide receiver's career. "I think everyone deserves a second chance," Johnson said. "Many would say I might not deserve it. I would like to finish my career the right way. I don't want the last thing to be remembered, 'Well, Chad was cut from the Dolphins for an incident he had with his wife.' I would love to grace the football field one more time and to help some team. I'm not injured; there is nothing wrong with me. I've learned my lesson, especially after those past seven days." Source:
Re: Free Agent WR Chad Johnson Hope For Another Chance At NFL Roster Maybe he'll sign with the Bengals, so Marvin can release him during Hard Knocks filming again... end his career where it began XD
Re: Free Agent WR Chad Johnson Hope For Another Chance At NFL Roster Why do I doubt that he's really learned his lesson but more likely saying what he thinks is the right thing to get himself another paycheck?