DT Sedrick Ellis Tells Bears He Is Retiring

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by Sweets, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Bears defensive tackle Sedrick Ellis has not reported to training camp. Ellis has advised the club of his intention to retire from the NFL, Adam Schefter of ESPN reports.

    Ellis was a first-round draft pick of the New Orleans Saints in 2008. He signed a one-year deal with the Bears in June.

    Source: The Redzone
  2. Tarkus

    Tarkus The Thread Stalker

    Probably the best thing that could have happened.

    He had disappointment written all over him. Spend the money on someone who has a higher ceiling.
  3. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Chalk up yet another USC bust in the books.
  4. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    not like they produce a ton and ton of good pros, we'll just chalk up the busts lol
  5. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    guess he figured out he may have to actually block and tackle someone.
  6. Phil

    Phil Rookie

    It's sad, but the guy would have had little, if any impact.
    When we drafted him in 2008, I honestly thought he'd be a player. He did have an ok rookie season, but after that he just went invisible.
    I can't say if it was a talent issue or just the scheme ( the defense as a whole has....... um, "under-achieved" of late.) I really don't know how he managed to start the last couple of years.
    Seriously, you guys ain't missing nothing.
  7. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    we have had and continue to have bad luck drafting D Tackles.