is looking for a few good members who enjoy the site and want to help it grow. We have openings in our moderator lineup after we recently lost [MENTION=1535]mj1987us26[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3600]Steve12[/MENTION]. I want to thank them for their time on the site's staff and let them know that the door is open to them whenever they want to rejoin the team. We have the current openings on our staff's roster: NFL Forums Two Open Spots Outside The Lines Forums Two Open Spots We're looking for volunteers to become moderators who could help us with the following activities: Help welcome new members to the site and make sure any questions they have get answered Keep their forums active with new relevant content and adding to active conversations Alert the admins to any technical issues so we can make sure they get addressed promptly Help us moderate any disputes on the site and make sure the forum rules are enforced fairly and consistently I also want to reassure everyone that we're not trying to over-moderate the forums. In general, we've had a fairly light touch when it comes to moderating the forums, and we want it to stay that way. We try to create a fairly open and free environment on the forums as long as members stay within the relatively minimal set of forum rules we've created. That will remain the case once the mods are in place. If you're interested in volunteering, we'd love to hear from you. Please let me know by sending me a message on the site or replying to this thread.
It is getting into that season again isn't it, :). If you need some help and would give me a go again, I would help out. Sorry it didn't work as planned earlier.