Lawsuit Against Milwaukee Brewers LF Ryan Braun Alleges College Doping

Discussion in 'Baseball Talk' started by Sportsguy, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Sportsguy

    Sportsguy AKA-Sportsguy9695

    A longtime friend of Ryan Braun's filed a lawsuit against the suspended slugger last month, charging that Braun defamed him after the friend provided help in his successful appeal of Braun's positive steroid test in 2011.

    Ralph Sasson, 29, makes a number of personal accusations against Braun, saying in the lawsuit that Braun doped through his years at the University of Miami, committed academic fraud and accepted money while a student.

    Reached this week, Sasson declined to comment and said the lawsuit speaks for itself.

    Braun's attorney, Howard Weitzman, rejected the claims.

    Source: ESPN
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2013
  2. Badger

    Badger Rookie

    Sounds to me like he wants a quick settlement out of Braun. Unlike MLB, in a real court you actually have to prove that you have evidence and show it, not just claim that you have evidence.
  3. groenator

    groenator Rookie

    I only read 3 articles about Braun tonight and I am already starting to be sick....Shame on you Braun....