[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whNOfvyPpaM]San Diego *SUPER* Chargers Fight Song! - YouTube[/ame]
should change the team name to the washington clusterhecks cause that is all they have done basically under shanny and gomer pyle shanny jr!
Awful playcalling at the end of the 4th. Any play that involves Rivers rolling out should be tossed out of the playbook. Also they should have ran it with Mathews. The officiating was embarrassingly bad all around. There was an offensive PI called on Allen when he didn't even touch the defender, not calling the fumble on Woodhead was another. I thought they were going to uphold the Woodhead TD with how bad they were today.
officiating has been more crappy than usual in the whole league.there are a lot of rules that fall in a gray area in teerms of what and where exactly the penalty is.