Miami Dolphins offensive tackle Jonathan Martin isn't returning to the team anytime soon. ESPN reported Sunday that guard Richie Incognito convinced Martin to contribute $15,000 to help finance a trip to Las Vegas, even though Martin didn't go on the trip. Source: ICECOLD's Take: This looks like its going to get much worse before it gets any better
bet the dolphins repay him to keep this quiet. if somebody wanted 15 k from me,they'd kill me but i still would not give it to them. what grown man would?
Much worse..bullying seems to b floating around...How does a tough football player get so weak? Mans game.. I think Dolphins better off w/o him..(I know not politically correct)Just ask my mom
Different set of rules when you are in that locker room environment. Did the vets on the Dolphins take it too far? Yeah, sounds like it.
I don't care how much stronger, faster, or older you are than me. You would have to kill me to get me to loan you $15,000 for something that doesn't involve me at all.
$15k? seems like a small amount of money for guys making millions. definitely not something to have a nervous breakdown about .................
apparently there are some people that are also surprised that several dolphins rookies had to split a $30k restaurant bill for the team. $3k for a rookie who is making anywhere between $400k and over a million a year is so shocking and unfair? i'm going to go ahead and say that, thus far, I have heard no sort of 'hazing' or 'bullying' that warrants incognito getting suspended or players have nervous breakdowns. granted, martin was actually in his 2nd year in the league but here's the 'shocking' news we've received thus far: incognito called him 'big weirdo'. incognito had a sign on his locker saying he didn't like rookies. he probably talked to martin in a degrading fashion on a daily basis. the younger players had to pay for team meals and chip in on a vegas trip. big freaking deal, imo. freaking suck it up, be a man, and get through it. martin was making $700k/year already with his rookie contract and if he played hard, he could start making millions per year and actually go to a different team as a free agent. like i said, grow a freaking pair and get through it.
Reports coming out about Incognito's father slamming Martin all over the internet, pretty bad stuff too. Guess we know where he gets it from.
Looks like the bullying was not just aimed at one guy. Report: Miami Dolphins' Bullying Not Limited To Jonathan Martin [UPDATE]
lol. Wonder what type of crap Incognito will come out with after this...any skeletons in the Dolphins closet?!?