Aside from the plethora of reports regarding poor employee hiring/management and general businesses practices, Wal Mart's shelves are packed with crap. Pure crap. Sure, you can save a few bucks. But there is practically nothing on the shelves that would be considered 'healthy'. Every aisle is slammed with processed garbage. There's plenty of crap in every grocery store including Target, but at least there are options for healthy eating in most places.
I believe that's more of an opinion since both stores probably carry the same products. With a few differences here and there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well yeah. I can only speak for myself. But I can guarantee you that I could find a significant amount of SKUs more of foods that would be considered on the healthy side at Target than Wal Mart. At least in the Seattle area.
BTW I also shop at Target, but that's because the closest Target is 3 miles from where I live and the closest Walmart is 15 miles (plus a pain to get there during peak traffic hours).
I know the missus shops at both stores along with a farmers market. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually, yes. Every time the minimum wage rises, so do consumer prices and the unemployment rate. Its simple economics. However, taking a holier than thou attitude really helped your argument.
Which is exactly their business template...scorched earth & then less products, higher prices. The Official Government Sanctioned Monopoly... :icon_rolleyes:
Union strikers also going after McDonalds. May end up costing a bunch of jobs if McDonalds decides to go more towards automation.
Who is the government sanctioned monopoly? For a few years the city of San Diego was preventing Walmart from building new stores.
Of course it's not 'Official' but the government has allowed quite a few bad business practices go unabated for years without any resistance. The same kind of practices that gave them an edge in destroying the competition. As time has gone by, we're seeing more investigations/penalties but it's too little, too late. As far as some states/areas stopping Walmart coming to their communities? Smart people who learned how the Walmart game has been played. Props to them for not being blind like most. To a good degree, Walmart just takes advantage of loopholes in the law, lack of any regulations, & fooling people with the old shell game. Great example of capitalism at it's finest but letting the fox guard the hen house.
What is stopping those other stores from taking advantage of the same loopholes that Walmart does? Why is it Walmart's fault that there were those loopholes to begin with? Should Walmart be punished for outsmarting its competition? I guess being successful is considered a bad thing nowadays.
Very simplified view of something that's destroying this economy. & fault? No, there's no fault in a successful business plan that's based on nothing except sweat shop imports that the government has no limit fault on a successful business plan that rapes communities for everything they have after the lure them in with false impressions of things to fault where they have no interest in offering health plans that are comparable to any other huge retail outlet....etc., etc., etc. & punished? They're not getting anything but a slap on the wrist when they've been busted on different things. I blame the government for crap like that regardless if 'it's the law'. Anything that damages the American situation should be laden with foresight but there's some irony for you...foresight, ha. & outsmarting the competition? Their greed has far exceeded anything this country's seen before. They've done nothing but outsmarted the consumer who was left with nowhere to go after they realized what they fell for. Example: No sooner did the Walmart finish crushing a multitude of smaller businesses in my area with outrageously low prices that they 'remodeled'. Gone were the aisles that were 2 1/2 carts wide. Now you can fit 4 1/2. The aisle of products have decreased by 1/3 along with product lines that have completely disappeared. Gone are the multitude of check out lanes open, replaced with 2 or 3, maybe 4 if really busy. As usual, it's for a buck, not the consumer as they claim. This is too big a subject to delve too deep into. Can't possibly lay out everything especially when a lot is a failing in the whole system. All we'll be left with is disjointed posts barely addressing all that's wrong. Let's just say that my POV is there's no defense for a company like Walmart. Screw the 'free enterprise' mantra. Rome is burning while some defend the rights of the upper crust.