Vikings RB Adrian Peterson On Playing For A Texas Team: 'It's Crossed My Mind'

Discussion in 'Minnesota Vikings' started by DaBears22, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. DaBears22

    DaBears22 Matt Forte = future MVP Staff Member

    Adrian Peterson is signed through 2017 with the Minnesota Vikings, meaning the reigning NFL MVP is scheduled to play out the rest of his prime for the team that drafted him in 2007, Ben Goessling of reports.

    And while Peterson says he'd like to spend his entire career in Minnesota, he admitted Wednesday in an ESPN Radio interview that he has also thought about what it would be like to play for another team -- namely, one in his home state of Texas.

    "You know, I'd be a liar if I said it's something that hasn't crossed my mind before," Peterson said on SVP and Russillo.

    "But I've also said to myself it would be so amazing to be one of those players who stays with one team his entire career, it would be good if I could do that. But being from Texas, I've always wondered, wow, it would be cool to play in Dallas, to play back home. Or to play in Houston."

    Source: The Redzone

    I for one wouldn't mind seeing him go out of the NFC North.
  2. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    i'm sure he would help dallas' defense
  3. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    Interesting comments. But, apparently if his two top choices in teams are the Vikings and cowboys, he has no interest in a ring.
  4. TheSnowman

    TheSnowman #1 Trap Star

    Houston bounddddd
  5. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    He said true team of Texas not the red headed step child of Texas
  6. Badger

    Badger Rookie

    It must be difficult to be from a place like Texas and then play your entire career in a place like Minnesota. For those who have never been there, winters in the upper midwest are no joke and even in the upper midwest, Minnesota has some of the worst winters you will find.
    Not to mention the fact that Im sure he has had times where he felt like he was wasting his talents on a team like the Vikings and feeling that maybe you could have won a ring or multiple rings with another team.
    Hopefully, when his contract is up, he can end with a Texas team if thats what he wants.
  7. ragman

    ragman Pro Bowler Fantasy Guru
