Link My biggest issue with this is who will compete vs. the US? Canada? Mexico? Who else plays? The English? they can't even win in the sport they invented (Soccer) not going to do any harm in American Football.
This is really stupid. All of the to talent in the world is from the united states. It's an American sport. Plus, who's going to officiate it? I guess it would be ok though. Just another sure thing gold medal for us.
you could assemble all of the greatest talent from every other country in the world, put them on one team and play them against a college amateur U.S. team and we will still win by 12 touchdowns.
I think you win win enough gold medals already. As for who else would compete, there's Mexico, Canada, Japan, and a few european countries like Germany. And that's it. Baseball was scrapped because it was only played in North America, Central America, and the caribbean. How will a sport played in like less than 10 countries will survive? It doesn't make sense, so maybe Goodell is behind this somehow.
i would watch football in the olympics because it would be hilarious watching how bad the other countries are ..............
it's huge in Asia and Australia also. about the only places it's not huge is europe and africa. Most of the world plays baseball at a pretty good level now.
It is definitely not huge in Australia and Asia's "huge" interest exists solely in Japan and Taiwan. Outside of North America and isolated parts of Central/South America, baseball is a niche sport at most. Hence why the Olympics dropped it. And American Football in the Olympics will never happen. The gulf between the US and other nations is obscenely large, not to mention the sport being hugely incompatible with the time scale of the Olympics. After all, the closest relation is the recent inclusion of Rugby Union, and they used the Sevens form of the sport instead (And before anyone asks, Rugby Sevens is played to a high standard across the world and more so than the traditional 15's).
There is already a World Cup for American football. IFAF 54 countries participate and it takes place every 4 yrs. Japan has had 2 championships. The US has special rules on them that restricted pros playing. To help the other countries catch up.