That is just pathetic by the cowboys. Terrible play calling, terrible defense, terrible quarterback play. Hilariously pathetic.
that pic maybe romo's fault,but the crapty pass defense and the playcalling are all on kiffin sr and callahan!
Lol I wish. But it's Tony Romo with the game on the line. Everyone should know what's going to happen in that situation. Now here come the cowboys fans to defend him and explain how it's not his fault. @Richl1kewh0a
How is it horrible qb play. He had two ints. Agree with everything else. But I don't understand how true football fans can put the blame on the qb. Of any team. All the time. But we've been down this road before.
Wowzer!! Skip Brainless and Stephen Smith are gonna have a 30 min segment on this... If jason garrett isnt fired after this season..... Also it seems dallas will never get back to prominence with romo...
2 interceptions at the end of the game when ball control is literally all you need. Come on man we have this conversation every other week.
can't put this on romo though.callahan should have called more running plays and dallas would have won.they ran gb out of the stadium the 1st half.