wonder what is next on their list,coca cola? http://www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2014/01/13/suntory-holdings-to-buy-beam-for-136b-cash/
I'm a big Beam guy, and I don't care at all. Mayyybe the price ticks up a tad if they start moving some operations overseas. Lots of companies are owned by people in places you wouldn't expect.
I would have to agree. Japanese whiskey is wonderful. I've had it a couple times and it was some of the best I've had. I can't remember the names though. It was quite a long time ago.
Yeah I can't remember names either, call it the language barrier lol, but I've had a few that were incredible. One super smoky one that was like nothing I've ever had before or since.
I have a vag**a cause I like Bacardi and captain lol. whiskey is whiskey to me I don't care for the taste that just what I drink still gets you twisted regardless.
na I never tried it but I know I could get a handle of Bacardi for 20 and captain for little bit more. Not hating on jim beam I probably had it before just forgot is it expensive?
sapparo beer will knock you out with a vengenance! i wonder how long before they buy jack daniels out?