Game Lines for Start/Sit Decisions

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by uly5535, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. uly5535

    uly5535 Comback Kid Joe Cool Premium Member

    Guys do you guys look at game lines to help at times to make a decision on start/sit when on the fences.
    If Line is very close do you usually go with the RB's or if the line is drastically large go with the underdog WR's. For example this Week 1 I have both Darren Sproles and Marquise Lee in the Philly vs Jacksonville. Line is -11 in Favor of Philly. I am leaning going with Marquise Lee on the Flex Spot due to this concept even though Sproles is higher in start rankings. Any thoughts.
  2. Greg Brosh

    Greg Brosh Local Eagles Fan Fantasy Guru

    Personally I don't. The line takes into account home field, defenses and the overall play of the entire team.

    And you have to keep in mind the Jags are going to pound the ball a lot to keep the Eagles offense from scoring at will. They can't afford to let this game turn into a shoot out. In a PPR league, Sproles is even the safer pick until we see how Lee looks in the offense. I smell garbage time for him, but it's too chancy to make the one of the only reasons to start him.
  3. uly5535

    uly5535 Comback Kid Joe Cool Premium Member

    Great input, thanks for the advise, will go with Sproles.
  4. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member

    I'll use bet lines for daily fantasy sports, in particular over/under. If the line is over 50 there should be a lot of points scored and you should try to get some play makers from that game. But as for FF leagues. It can help for a close tiebreaker, but in general always start your studs, you drafted them for a reason and look at match-ups vs opposing defenses. Look at the fantasy points against metrics they are position based and will help give an idea of what a teams game plan will be vs that defense.