I see an ADP of 23 but my rankings have him scoring 136 pts, -69 value and ranked as about my 35th RB. Is there someone else in Houston?
I remember an auction draft I did with FKH and Foster went for $8 and I made the smartass remark that it was $1 for every week he was healthy... ended up he only played 8 games that season and it was more of a Nostradamus statement than a joke.
his ADP is freaking wrong in the system - and I just noticed this for a couple other guys - but by in large it's all good - nevertheless I've emailed our stats provider and raised hell - we will have this fixed today!
yes indeed. word from stats provider (paraphrase) - the ADP is based on weekly averages - I've dropped him down and will adjust other hurt folks similarly going forward. Kelvin B is also gone for the season... poor guy. Yes your eye is good =)