Please get your 10 bucks honored this week. thanks Here's the link - @terpshockey21 @PeteTheGreek @apmv. @Omen DasFutbol @the1tab
thank you sir - here's the remaining few - remember we got another 100 tossed into the hopper - If you don't submit your cash you'll be cursed for the remainder of you fantasy football life!! @terpshockey21 @PeteTheGreek @apmv. DasFutbol @the1tab
I can't believe I beat @PeteTheGreek I'll forever remember this day PS League dues are due. If we don't get her paid in full by the 12th I guess I keep the free $100 bucks (from tilt) to myself. Here's who still owes... pay here @terpshockey21 PeteTheGreek @apmv. DasFutbol @the1tab
You can have my 10 this year, the long con is where it's at...I'm setting up a dynasty, maaaaan, not a flash in the pan 1st year and out team. It's all part of the plan.
I know these guys will pay.. they are all the "busy types" that wait last minute for low priority stuff.