Last Sunday was different in America. I woke up late to a thundering rainstorm. That wasn’t what made it different. Inclement weather is a daily occurrence here in the Florida summertime, raindrops falling quasi-symbolically to cool us from the unbearable heat. No, something else that day was just… different. Read on at:
I've read a number of divisive statements on social media since the shooting early Sunday morning. That's what the enemies of the US want. I think their strategy is called divide and conquer. We have got to come together. We can't fight each other. That won't accomplish anything. Aren't we supposed to be The UNITED States of America?
I don't get the people screaming how guns need to be taken away. no, that's not the answer, that's the lazy approach that's all too often the way the government and the public want to handle things anymore. for me, first off, the existing guns laws need to be enforced, secondly, how the f**k was this guy able to purchase a firearm ? what breakdown in the existing system allowed this ? the enemy has brought the fight here. any possible known isis hideout should be dust by now. turn their graves into a big pile of glass.