Sam Brandon Suspended--Kircus faces Arraignment

Discussion in 'Denver Broncos' started by denverobsession, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. denverobsession

    denverobsession Starter

    Sam Brandon got the word yesterday that the NFL has decided to suspend him for the first two games of 2007 for violating the leagues’s conduct policy. The NFL is refering to Brandon’s two domestic violence arrests (in June and July of 2005). Although the misdemeanor charges stemming from the earlier incident were dismissed, the NFL’s tougher stance on behavior will likely cost Brandon the 9/9/07 Bills game and the 9/16/07 Oakland game.

    Brandon’s attorney is appealing the suspension, but I would very much doubt the Commish will be in the mood to lighten the ruling.

    With Brandon out for two weeks, we can expect to see some of our backups get some more playing time leading up to the suspension (including camp and preseason). Curome Cox and Hamza Abdullah would be the first guys to get the call.

    Source: Bill Williamson, DenverPost


    Meanwhile… David Kircus was in court yesterday hearing his accuser’s version of the account that landed him in trouble with the law in May. There isn’t much new in Jeff Krieger’s account of the story over what we’ve heard before (see blog for previous posts), but Kircus’s defense attorney did get Krieger to admit that he had consumed at least 10 alcoholic drinks that night before the altercation.

    The main point of Thursday’s court date was for the the Judge to determined if there was probable cause to continue with a trial. He ruled that there was, so Kircus will be arraigned next month.
  2. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    The Kircus is in town!
  3. FZ06

    FZ06 Random Guy

    The hell do you mean backups? Sam Brandon is not first string! He may have played a couple of games as a strong-nickel back (which got him injured), but Nick Ferguson still stats at S.
  4. linz_renee

    linz_renee Well-Known

    He did look good last year, perhaps there was some competition going on there. ;)
  5. denverobsession

    denverobsession Starter

    Sam 'starts' in our Big Nickel package... If Bates will still be using it.

    But, yeah, Daddy Nick is still starting with Lynch. I don't see that changing this season either.
  6. FZ06

    FZ06 Random Guy

    I can see Foxworth playing there, since he is still 3rd string and had some S exp. last season... but hey, Mikey likes to experiment, anything's possible.
  7. linz_renee

    linz_renee Well-Known

    so true... he doesn't care about consistency or the long tenure of a player... he puts in who he think can get the job done at that moment.
  8. showoff

    showoff showoff

    what is the commisioner going to do next suspend ray lewis for his crap a few years ago, brett favre for using pain killers, and every player that has gotten in trouble over the last ten years. i understand the tank johnson, pacman jones suspensions they have gotten in trouble recently not three years ago.