American Football Go Global?

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by sivanjohn, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. sivanjohn

    sivanjohn Starter

    Hi there,

    For my first discussion in GIF, I would like to ask all of you can American Football go global?

    The reason why Im asking this because I was pretty sad to know that NFL have decided to stop their NFL Europa operation. What a shame indeed.

    For me I would like to see the game being on par with soccer or basketball. I wonder beside the NFL, do they have professionals league elsewhere and what would the response be.

    Ive notice that there is a World Cup for American Football but I dont think NFL based players participate in it.

    I still believe, with proper collaboration between the NFL and IFAF, the game can be develop and promoted worldwide.

    What do you guys think?
  2. AdiBear

    AdiBear 1st Stringer

    TBH I cant see it.
    Soccer is soooooooo big over there,I dont see the NFL being on a par with soccer anyday soon.

    oh BTW welcome to the board..
  3. sivanjohn

    sivanjohn Starter

    Thanks for the reply, Adibear

    But do you think, NFL's decision to stop their operation in Europe was good for the game?
  4. AdiBear

    AdiBear 1st Stringer

    Hi sivanjohn,
    IMO no is wasnt,the NFL could have used it a lot was sad to see it fold.
  5. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Never gonna happen. At least not in the near future...from the top of my head I can only think of 4 countries with football leagues: U.S.A., Canada (professional leagues), Mexico and Japan (college leagues).
  6. brakos82

    brakos82 30% more cats than last year!

    Soccer is way too popular worldwide to be taken over by American football anytime this decade or next. Maybe by 2020 :dunno:
  7. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    There's a better chance of americans adopting soccer than the rest of the world adopting American Football.
  8. AdiBear

    AdiBear 1st Stringer

    I hear TJ...:icon_wink:
  9. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    There's a better chance of hell freezing over.
  10. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Damn right.
  11. brakos82

    brakos82 30% more cats than last year!

    Or me winning the lottery (considering I never even buy a ticket :icon_neutral: )
  12. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    Uh, yeah.

  13. brakos82

    brakos82 30% more cats than last year!

    Pleasant St. isn't very pleasant, huh? :icon_cool:
  14. sivanjohn

    sivanjohn Starter

    Thanks for all the reply

    What about Europe? We know that they Champions League (soccer) and Euroleague (basketball). Do they a similar version for American Football (besides NFL Europa)?
  15. BoltsFanUK

    BoltsFanUK Charger Fan in The UK

    Sky Sports have been doing their best to make the NFL good on the TV but i don't think Soccer could sell out Wembley Stadium like the NFL has:icon_cool:
  16. AdiBear

    AdiBear 1st Stringer

    Hi mate,
    I cant belive you said that....when England play Germany Wembley is sold out,even when there is a rock concert its sold out. most people who have got hold of NFL Wembley tickets arent real fans,most of the fans couldnt get tickets,one of the reasons being the way nfluk put the tickets on sale.
  17. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

    The simple fact is the NFL is no longer a sport but a "product". Why do you think the NFL wants it where any team can win the SB every other year???? Fans are fickle as it is now they can say there team can win it all almost every year.

    There was a movie that came out not to long ago that had a man watching a game with 50 commercials surrounding the 15 inch TV screen. That is a marketers wet that I beat around the bush long enough of course the NFL someday soon will be global.

    The day the Tampa Bay Bucs won the SB is the day I no longer respected the NFL. Now before anyone flames on that comment...old timers...if you said the Bucs would have a winning season much less say win the SB 10 years would have been laughed out of the bar.
  18. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    No, they players are non professionell players and like the NFLE, it doesn't draw much attention in the US, nor in the rest of the world.

    Maybe this MySpace site brings you a little closer

    Hell, NO :icon_evil:

    k :icon_wink: , it was a step back for US American Football. We Germans pay now more attention to our local teams and leagues, that exist much longer than the NFLE and I hope the NFL will see it on the dropping mercandise sales numbers for Germany, bc that are the only numbers that hurt the NFL. Not that it will really hurt them, but it will be a hint for them
  19. AdiBear

    AdiBear 1st Stringer

    yeh I agree,
    I'm an "old timer" (been a Bear fan now for over 22 years) and I know what you mean about the Buc's...Tampa Bay,for those fans who wasnt around when they where crap,used to punt on first down they where that bad.

    But didnt they win the Superbowl when they moved from NFC Central (North) Division?