So Happy!!!!!

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by HailttRedskins, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins


    They look so sexy


    So I was kind of having a bad day, not real bad, just but one of those days where you're just like, FREAK, today sucks.

    Well, I'm sitting here just talking, messing around, doing some work, and I have a knock on the door.

    I'm like, alright, WTF, whose here, considering nobody knocks on my door except friends, and I wasn't expecting anyone to come over.

    So I open up the door, and sure enough, it's my friend, he goes, hey, well, I'm going out of town the 18th, and right then and there it clicked, and then he said, so I figured you'd like to have these:


    I've only been to one Redskins game, so of course I'm psyched up. I know it's only preseason, but still, I love being at Fedex, my first experience was against the Eagles, so the stadium wasn't full cause of the bad season, but now, it should be packed. First game of the year at Fedex, you know that place is going to be rocking.

    I'm so freaking excited, HELL YEA!!!!
  2. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Very very cool Hail...take some pics and post em up here.
  3. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    I'll be sure to do that, I'll be sure to take some videos too!

    BTW, I sent you that cash back :icon_wink:
  4. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Awesome Hailtt! Get some pics and post em up here. Have fun.
  5. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    So I forgot to mention that when his dad took the tickets off, he accidently ripped them off before the scan lines, the tab that they rip off at the stadium. I called up Fedex Field, and they told me I would need to get them reprinted. However, I need a copy of his dads license to do it, otherwise I am screwed.

    So unless his dad does this, I wont be able to go to the game :icon_cry:
  6. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Well Pops hecked it up then Pops should fix it!!
  7. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    Hahaha, he's not here so he can't they're on a trip.
  8. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Damn, that sucks.
  9. truelife

    truelife 6-0 is our goal

    hopefully it will all work out
  10. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    Yeah I hope so, I think it's bullcrap how this works. I mean come on, this has to happen a lot, I think it's just a cheap way to make money if you ask me.
  11. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    Well, I called Fedex, they said to bring them in, with a copy of his dads license, and I'll be able to get reprints for the price of $4 each, so I'm not to pissed now, I'm glad I can go.

    His dad did it for me :D
  12. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Awesome. I hope you have a blast at the game.
  13. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Awesome, hope you have fun at the game.
  14. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    Thank you!!!!

    Well, this is assuming Fedex doesn't try to heck me over.
  15. truelife

    truelife 6-0 is our goal

    glad to hear it all worked out and enjoy the game
  16. Garnett

    Garnett Gritt Tuff

    I've been to FedEx for a Redskin game on numerous occasions. I was there last year during the painful gut wrenching loss the Cowboys suffered on the botched field goal. The stadium is nice to see, but its not the best. The overpricing of all amenities and such is absurd. The oarking situation sucks as well. You'll notice the spaces are too small and the entrance is a log jam before and after games. I'm not saying that as a Cowboy fan, I'm saying it as a football fan. RFK was a better overall atmosphere to watch the games.

    Since I can tell you're a diehard fan, I'm sure the experience will be well worth it. Get there early btw, atleast 1.5 hours before gametime. This way you'll be able to walk down to the lower rail and get some close up pics or glimpses of players and you'll miss the majority of traffic that comes in. I don't think that preseason game will sell out so traffic may not be that bad. Enjoy the experience.
  17. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    What stadium doesn't overprice anything, and parking is always a log jam before and after the games.
  18. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    Everything is good to go, no problems, explained what happened to the guy, looked at the stuff, then said okay, $8, and in about 30sec I had the new tickets.


    BTW Garnett, I've been to games before at Fedex, I know how bad parking is, I had some drunk guy hit the side of my car, I was ready to beat his ass, but he apologized numerously, so I let it go. I only bought water, I have a bad stomach when I go out so I never really eat anything.

    I never went to RFK so I can't say how it is, but I should be able to go to a Nats game before the year is over.
  19. afjay

    afjay Click. Clack.

    Awesome news. Enjoy the game.
  20. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Sweet, dude. Have fun.