Ron & Fez Daily Shows 2.0

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by ParanoidMike, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Ron and Fez are inspiring Atlanta Falcon season ticket holders to burn their season tickets, lmao.
  2. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    The show from August 2nd was priceless. They had Chris Hansen talking to some "e predator" about some things that had me laughing. Fez was freaking out about bridges, Ron knocks him upside his head with a cowbell, lmao.

    They were bothering the crap outta Earl, priceless stuff.
  3. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

    glad you're liking the show, Platoon! the segment you're referring to actually aired on the Opie & Anthony show, but Ron wanted to replay it. the two shows are really close with each other.

    Monday’s show:

    R&F 8-06-07 (unedited)
    (click link to d/l)

    File size: 29mb
  4. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Thanks for posting them Mike, it's funny stuff, I'll listen to this one now..:icon_cool:
  5. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

    no problem.

    NOTE: gonna try to post the show later tonight... they ran a freaking "emergency test" thing during the show, so i'm going to see if they take it out of the replay. i freaking hate when they do that to them
  6. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

    i guess i'll just post the whole show now and try to re-record the first break during the replay tonight

    Tuesday’s show:

    R&F 8-07-07 (unedited)
    (click link to d/l)

    File size: 29mb
  7. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Thanks Mike, downloading now.
  8. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

  9. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Thanks Mike:icon_cool:
  10. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

    anytime! glad to see you getting into the show
  11. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

  12. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Thanks Mike, downloading now
  13. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

  14. #47

    #47 1st Stringer

    Thanks for posting the shows Mike!:icon_cool:
  15. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

    no problem... glad you're digging the show!

    Monday’s show:

    R&F 8-13-07 (unedited)
    (click link to d/l)

    File size: 29mb
  16. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Downloading now
  17. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

  18. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Thanks again bro
  19. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism

  20. ParanoidMike

    ParanoidMike Doctor of Slackerism