Kick off for the opening game is moments away, the 2007 season is almost upon us. Regardless of whoever you follow and however hard you pull for them, this is the common bond that brings the majority of us here. It's the 2007 NFL Football season. Enjoy it one and all!
this weekend is going to be freaking awesome..UFC 75 on saturday night rolling into opening day sunday (nfl sunday ticket kicks ass), and then the niners on monday..heck..if I die, you'll know why..alcohol poisoning is a snitch..
For me the season starts on Sunday. I knew I'd miss the game... I miss being a college student: "Ohh!! There's a game on thursday night...but I have a web programming clbutt...heck it!! Let's go watch the game" :(
Hmm, you should join We record most if not all NFL and NCAA football games. I do the Redskins games :icon_wink: So for people such as yourself who cant see games or missed them, can download them there!
Ya know, after the Pro Bowl, it does take some getting used too to not having football on sundays. Damn, am I glad it's back!