The GIF Play Of The Week Award (Week 1)

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Chrisbob, Sep 11, 2007.


What Is The Play Of Week 1

Poll closed Sep 16, 2007.
  1. Antwaan Randle El

  2. Ellis Hobbs

  3. Adrian Peterson

  4. Arnaz Battle/Eric Green

  5. Jason Elam

  6. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. Chrisbob

    Chrisbob Fuck Dallas

    Vote and opine. We'll try and do this every week and at the end of the season, pick a play of the year.

    Antwaan Randle El: Jason Campbell lobs up a Hail Mary, Jason Taylor bats it down into the arms of ARE who almost steals the win in one of the strangest plays I've ever seen near the end of a game.

    Eliis Hobbs: 108 yard KO return, longest KO return in league history and the 2nd longest play ever.

    Adrian Peterson: The Vikings rookie one of course. His catch and run for a long TD in his debut.

    Arnaz Battle/Eric Green: Battle hauls in the catch at the one, looks set to score, fumbles, Green misses the recovery or the chance to knock the ball out of the end zone and gifts the Niners the win.

    Jason Elam: Runs onto the field and nails the game winner with hardly any prep time.

    Other: Plenty of big plays from Week 1 I'm missing, feel free to ofer an alternative.
  2. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Easily Hobbs.....108 yard return....easy pick
  3. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    battle, with randle el play a close second.
  4. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

  5. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    I'm not going to say anything the Pats did was the play of the week. Their win is tainted.
  6. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    As much as I hated it, the Elam kick was clutch. I fully expected them to spike it. For him to run out onto the field, set up and nail the kick all in the span of 5 seconds was a pretty amazing feat.
  7. Crawl

    Crawl Pro Bowler

    I completely agree with you. It got my vote:icon_sad:
    I feel sick for voting for that play:DIRTY29:
  8. DoubleC

    DoubleC i'm ready now...

    Voted Hobbs. Green already had my vote for the Idiot of the week.
    I've not seen the Elam kick yet. I have to check the highlights of that game.
  9. truelife

    truelife 6-0 is our goal

    i went with the battle play not only for the nice throw and catch and weird ending but looking at how bad the passing game was untill that point
  10. BarlOwens

    BarlOwens Rubicon Runner

    Elam..he'd missed 2 already that game and for them to get on the field that quickly and drill that pressure GWFG home was crazy...
  11. TOP DAWG

    TOP DAWG Pro Bowler

    Hobbs.Great runback.108 is going to be a record for a long time.No one else would even attempt to run one back from there.
  12. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    Hobbs, was a great play, fun to watch