What Are You Thankful For This Football Season?

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by TDJets72027, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Only 2 Players


    Thank you Andy Lee and Patrick Willis.
  2. Rush

    Rush Dexter > All

    I am thankful we are using Devin Hester in our offense.
  3. truelife

    truelife 6-0 is our goal

    im thankful for direct tv sunday ticket so i don't have to watch the eagles every week.
  4. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    I'm right there with you truelife! I have been a loyal subscriber since 1996 and will NEVER go back. Whomever came up with the NFL Sunday Ticket concept deserves a Nobel prize IMO.