Rare Texans Logo

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by TDJets72027, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby


    It's been 5 years and I haven't seen this logo anywhere, not on Texans home games, not on media sites like ESPN, not on fan sites, or anything until today!
  2. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    i hope to never see it again
  3. Homer34

    Homer34 BOOMSTICK!

    What a heckin mess, it looks like a 5th graders extra credit assignment for art clbutt.
  4. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    that is freaking horrible
  5. andy82

    andy82 Your Soul, It's Mine!

    Well it looks better than our Olympics Logo :icon_redface:

    M1LEHIGH Backup Clipboard Holder

  7. Cheezymadman

    Cheezymadman Born Again Browns Backer

    the England 2012 logo looks like Goatse.
  8. Texan_Bill

    Texan_Bill Rookie

    I think that was a bootleg logo. The Texans have never used that logo on the official site, uniforms, stadium or anything....
  9. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

    Bootleg, ah, no wonder:icon_sad:
  10. Blu N Houston

    Blu N Houston ¡Vamos Houston!

    God that's worst than the anti GW crap being waved around the world.
  11. MonkeyCoR

    MonkeyCoR Bleed Blue and Orange

    Jesus christ it is the end of the world.....