Credit goes to: Taping Date: 11/27/07 - Air Date: 11/30/07 - Roanoke Civic Center Coliseum - Roanoke, Virginia Edge comes to the ring to open SmackDown! to a huge 'You Suck' chant. Edge talks about is new relationship with Vickie Guerrero and how he wanted to make a statement on The Undertaker for Vickie. He talks about how much he's in love with her. He says she is at home sick and dedicates the match tonight to her. It was basically just a long promo hyping the main event. Huge heel heat for Edge. A Hornswoggle & Finlay video promo airs. Finlay & Hornswoggle vs. Deuce & Domino. Finlay & Hornswoggle win after Finlay hits Domino with the Shillelagh and Hornswoggle does the Tadpole Splash for the three count. An Edge video airs once again hyping how great he is and tonight's main event. Michelle McCool & Jamie Noble are backstage talking about Chuck Palumbo. It's Chuck vs. Noble later on tonight. CM Punk vs. Kenny Dykstra is up next. Huge pop for CM Punk. Very even back and forth action to begin. Punk used lots of footwork but Kenny was able to keep him grounded. Good match so far. CM Punk gains control though and is able to hit his kick knee to the face finisher. Rey Mysterio & Kane vs. Viscera & MVP is up next. They did all four entrances with lots of stalling. Huge pop for Mysterio. Big Daddy V was in for a second and then MVP took over. Rey got the hot tag and the match went back and forth between Rey and MVP. Rey went for a 619 but was tripped up. Big Daddy V came back in for another short period. Kane and Rey team together for some double team moves. Kane hits a clothesline and Rey hits a splash followed by a 619 on MVP for the win. Good ending and the crowd is super hot live. We get another Edge video hyping how great he is and tonight's main event. Batista is interviewed in the back about his match tonight with Edge for the World title. Jamie Noble vs. Chuck Palumbo. Chuck hits his head on the turnbuckle and Noble rolls him up for the win. Backstage we see a comedy segment with Vince McMahon and Khali's translator. It's announced that Finlay vs. Khali is on for the Armageddon PPV. Edge vs. Batista for the World title. This match went around 30 minutes and was said to be good. Edge is out to big heel heat and Batista is out to a massive pop. Match starts with Batista on top. Batista uses lots of power moves to begin. Edge ducks out of the ring and gets major heel heat. Crowd is loud and into this one. The two fight outside the ring. Batista throws Edge back in and charges at him only to have Edge pull the ropes down sending in flying back to the outside. Edge is about to go for a spear and the lights go out and the gong hits. After about 10 seconds, Taker appears in the middle of the ring and chokeslams Batista as Edge escaped. The match ends on a DQ. Teddy Long then returns and says since Vickie isn't there tonight he can still make matches so it'll be The Undertaker vs. Batista vs. Edge for the World title at Armageddon.
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 12/2/07 - Air Date: 12/7/07 - Florence, South Carolina Theodore Long comes out and says it feel great to be back on Smackdown. Since Vickie Guerrero is out, he will be acting in charge. He puts over the Triple Threat match for the World Title at Armageddon and also announces that MVP will be facing Rey Mysterio for the US Title. Edge comes out and interrupts Long. Edge tries to have a heart to heart moment speaking into the camera to Vickie but gets interrupted by Long. Edge runs down Long, talking about how he stripped him of the title when he was hurt, saying Long didn't even give him the 30 days to defend his championship. Long fires back saying the doctors said Edge wouldn't be able to do anything even for 90 days. Edge brings up how Kane put him out months ago and Long decides to make a match for later tonight where Edge would face Kane since he had so much to say about it. Later tonight: Michael Hayes in the VIP Lounge. Miz and Morrison versus Jesse and Festus. Miz and Morrison swapped when they came out and which turnbuckle they stood on versus what they did on ECW. More good tag offense from M&M and Festus got some roughhousing in as well. The finish came down with Festus taking out Miz and Jesse went to the top rope for a move but Morrison knocks him down and pins him. This kind of set Jesse and Festus back in my opinion. Elijah Burke is interviewed next. Says that he has beaten every Smackdown star that he's come across since the talent swap started, but tonight he faces Batista. Elijah Burke versus Batista. Batista comes on strong with the power game, running Burke in the corners and such but when Batista tries to run in for a clothesline, Burke hits a low drop kick to Batista's knee. This sets up Burke for an Outer Limits Elbow on Batista then Burke goes up to the top rope for a move. Batista catches Burke coming off the top rope hard into a spinebuster. Then Batista Bomb for the pin. After the match, Burke couldn't get up. Seems he got hurt when Batista caught him for the spinebuster, and in the replays it looked like Batista kind of stepped into catching Burke which might've knocked the wind out of him. Burke was on the mat for a long time before finally getting up and was helped to the back. Hope he's okay. In the back, Jamie Noble talks to Michelle McCool about his recent wins over Chuck Palumbo. Noble boils it down and challenges McCool to a stipulation that if he wins tonight, McCool has to go on a date with him. McCool acts like she has with Noble in recent weeks, but accepts. Jamie Noble versus Chuck Palumbo. Noble comes out with a shirt reading "Noble 2 - Palumbo 0." Palumbo pretty much manhandles Noble for most of the match until Noble gets the upper hand back. McCool then gets up on the apron and distracts Noble with her goodies but it backfires and Noble rolls up Palumbo for the pin. After the match, Palumbo runs down McCool for them just being friends and her agreeing to the stipulation of going on a date with Noble. He acted a bit like a heel saying she did that on purpose and that she can find her own ride home. Up next is the VIP Lounge with MVP. MVP plugs the World Class Championship Wrestling DVD that's coming out soon. So his guest tonight is one of the people who helped make WCCW special: Freebird Michael Hayes. Hayes puts over the DVD as well but gives some warnings about the consequences to all of the actions people take. How he's kind of the only one left out of those days with those people. MVP starts running down Hayes about his age and about how good MVP is. Hayes backs him down once by getting in his face. Some good stuff in there about how MVP is the cocky star now that doesn't care about all the people who came before him and set the table he now dines at. MVP then changed subjects talking about the close connection between Hayes and the Hardys. MVP asks Hayes how he felt about how MVP had dismantled Matt Hardy a couple week ago. Hayes said that the Hardys could handle their own business but he said when Matt does come back, MVP's in for some trouble. Hayes also put over Rey Mysterio versus MVP at Armageddon. Things went down hill between Hayes and MVP and they came to blows with Hayes setting MVP up for a DDT but MVP backdrops Hayes out of it. MVP then hits Hayes with the Playmaker and Hayes sells it good, allowing Rey Mysterio to come in and make the save, hitting MVP with a seated senton then tackling MVP over a VIP set couch. MVP makes his way to the back while Mysterio checks on Hayes. Hayes really sold the Playmaker as it took him quite a while to get up and to the back. MVP was phenomenal on the mic tonight. Best VIP Lounge in my opinion. Finlay versus Deuce. Good match from these two as Finlay continues his face turn and gets his rough offense in while Deuce hit a few good moves like his jumping back heel kick. The finish comes down with Domino chasing Hornswoggle under the ring. Hornswoggle reappears a bit later with a fire extinguisher and sprays Cherry and Domino. Hornswoggle tries to get in the ring with the extinguisher and that distracts the referee letting Finlay take out Deuce's leg with the Shillelagh and get the pin. After the match, the Great Khali's music hit and as Finlay was getting ready for him, Domino hits Finlay from behind letting Khali get into the ring. Khali nails Finlay with a boot and tosses Hornswoggle out of the way when he tries to check on Finlay. Khali then sets his vice grip on Finlay and Finlay sells it better than just about anyone I've seen it on. Hornswoggle was also great being worried for his friend. After Khali lets up on the vice grip, poses and goes to the back, Finlay keeps selling the move, staying in the ring for quite a while. Hornswoggle checks on his friend and Finlay gets to the back with help. Edge versus Kane. Batista comes to the ring first and he takes a seat beside JBL and Michael Cole. Edge comes out, cuts another promo trying to have a heart to heart moment with Vickie. Looks like there's a commercial between his promo and when Kane comes out. Match starts with Edge trying to keep his distance but Kane gets him and works in some fast offense. Kane hit Edge with some really loud uppercuts during the match and Edge sold them well. Good match seeing Edge get in some counters to Kane's moves like floating over Kane and hitting an Edge-o-matic. Edge eventually gets frustrated and goes to ringside and gets a chair. Before he even really gets back in the ring the referee called for the bell and DQ'ed Edge. Edge gets in the ring only to be met by Kane kicking the chair in his face. Kane then takes the chair and smacks Edge across the back. Kane goes to the outside and gets a set of ring steps and tosses it over the ropes. He gets in and readies to nail Edge with them but Edge drop toe holds Kane onto the steps as Kane rushed Edge. Edge then spears Kane and sets him on the steps and readies for a Conchairto on Kane but Batista dashes into the ring to stop him. As Edge is contemplating what to do with Batista beside Kane, the lights go out and the gong sounds. The lights come back on and Undertaker has Edge by the throat. Batista goes for a spear and hits Taker with it letting Edge get away. Taker sells the spear for a bit while Batista stares down Edge. Taker gets to his feet behind Batista and motions for a chokeslam. Undertaker plants Batista with a chokeslam
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 12/11/07 - Air Date: 12/14/07 - Florence, South Carolina Vickie Guerrero comes to ringside in a wheel chair. She announces that WWE World Heavyweight Champion Batista, The Undertaker, and Edge all three have matches on tonight’s show. Edge defeated Funaki: Edge hits the spear in a match that lasts less than two minutes. Layla & Victoria defeat Michelle McCool & Kelly Kelly: Chuck Palumbo comes out on his motorcycle and distracts McCool, costing her and Kelly Kelly the match. Rey Mysterio defeated Kenny Dykstra: Crowd was hot throughout the entire match. Mysterio worked with his usual high-flying style. Rey hit the 619 for the victory. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Batista comes out. It is announced that he will face Kane in a Last Man Standing match. Batista vs. Kane in a Last Man Standing Match: Both hit early finishers for an 8 count. Batista hits a spinebuster on Kane on the announcers table. Edge comes out from the crowd and hits a spear on Batista. Batista gets up before he is counted out but Kane doesn’t. Batista gets the win as he is the last man standing. Festus defeated Miz: Jesse was with Festus while John Morrison was with Miz. Festus got the win over one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions after hitting the Flapjack. Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali: Finlay comes out and attacks Khali with the Shillelagh. Khali's handler Rujin Singh grabs Hornswoggle which distracts Finlay. This enables The Great Khali to take him out with a chokebomb. Undertaker defeats Big Daddy V and Mark Henry in a three-way match: Undertaker wins the match after he chokeslams Mark Henry. After the match Big Daddy V and Mark Henry beat up Undertaker. Edge comes out and mocks Undertaker who is down.
i made an error when i posted the spoilers for tonight, the show was taped at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston. my apologies
Probably not. He seemed like the type of guy that did anything that was asked of him as long as it helped the company. I do think that the fact that they keep her out of pity for the passing of Eddie is getting quite old. She adds absolutely nothing to the show
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 12/18/07 - Air Date: 12/21/07 - Blue Cross Arena - Rochester, New York Opening segment with Vickie Guerrero and Teddy Long presenting Edge with the World Heavyweight Title. Edge brings out The Major Brothers. The brothers come out and say they aren't The Major Brothers, but they are Kurt Hopkins and Zach Bryant. Those names could be incorrect, it was hard to make out. They air a video showing Edge and Vickie doing various romantic things. The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh vs. Hornswoggle & Finlay ended when Hornswoggle hit the Tadpole Splash on Ranjin for the win while Khali watched from outside the ring. Ric Flair comes out and says Triple H is the best wrestler going today and that if he loses to him, he will have no regrets. The six-man tag match is next with Rey Mysterio, CM Punk and Kane vs. Big Daddy V, Mark Henry and MVP. Rey Mysterio, CM Punk and Kane vs. Big Daddy V, Mark Henry and MVP ends when Mysterio hits a 619 on Henry followed by a chokeslam from Kane and a splash by Mysterio then the 1-2-3. A special Santa Match is next. It's Festus vs. Deuce with both of them dressed like Santa Clause. Festus gets the win in a comedy match. JBL is now in the ring giving his Farewell Address to SmackDown. This was kind of pointless it seemed. All he did was come out and say he was going to RAW to kick Chris Jericho's butt. Tazz is coming out to commentate with Michael Cole. A promo video for Jeff Hardy airs. Batista vs. Edge is next. The match is changed to a Handicap match with Batista vs. Edge and the former Major Brothers. The match is still for the World Heavyweight Title though. Batista pins one of the former Major Brothers and wins the World Heavyweight Title. Batista is handed the Title but Vickie Guerrero comes out. Vickie says the only way he can win the belt is to pin Edge. The match is restarted. The match starts again but one of the Majors hits Batista with a chair and the match ends in a DQ. Edge and The Majors continue to beat on Batista as SmackDown should go off the air. Edge also said "Oh by the way, Merry Christmas" after the beatdown. The refs come down to check on Batista.
Tomorrow night's show will be a Best of 2007 show. Smackdown will be taped this Sunday, 12/30 from Richmond, Virgina
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 12/30/07 - Air Date: 1/4/08 - Richmond Coliseum - Richmond, Virginia Teddy Long pushes Vickie Guerrero to the ramp. Teddy introduces Jonathan Coachman as the new color commentator to sit beside Michael Cole. They announce the Beat the Clock competitors for the night, which is Batista, Undertaker, Finlay and Mysterio. Finlay vs. MVP in the first Beat the Clock challenge match. Finlay gets the win after Hornswoggle hands him the shillelagh. Finlay hits MVP and gets the pin. Chuck Palumbo and Michelle McCool vs. Victoria and Kenny Dykstra. Victoria hits the Widow's Peak on McCool for the pinfall. Afterwards, Chuck acts like a heel and yells at Michelle. Chavo is shown backstage in Vickie's office. Chavo says she has disgraced the Guerrero family and talks about how he missed the old times. Vickie puts Chavo in the Beat the Clock matches against Funaki. Chavo Guerrero vs. Funaki. Chavo gets the win and beats Finlay's time. Batista vs. The Edgeheads (former Major Brothers). Batista fails to beat the time set by Chavo and the match ends in a draw. Deuce and Domino vs. Jimmy Wang and Shannon Moore. Moore got the pinfall over Domino The Undertaker vs. Matt Stryker in a Beat the Clock challenge match. Stryker says he will not be wrestling but will be the special referee and introduces Mark Henry as Taker's opponent. Undertaker dominates Henry but after a chokeslam, Stryker stops counting at 2 and lets the clock run out. The match ends in a draw Rey Mysterio vs. Edge w/ The Edgeheads in a Beat the Clock match. Batista comes down, destroys the Edgeheads and stares down Edge before leaving to the back. The lights go out, and The Undertaker appears. Lights go back off and come on with Edge already setup for the 619. Rey hits it and pins Edge to beat the clock. Rey Mysterio is the new #1 contender to Edge's title
Credit goes to: Taping Date: 1/8/08 - Air Date: 1/11/08 - Wachovia Arena - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania The show opened with Teddy Long and Vickie Guerrero in the ring. Vickie calls out Rey Mysterio. Rey expresses disgust at the changes in Vickie's life and her relationship with Edge. This brings out the Rated R Superstar to make out with Vickie and talk down to Rey. Then Chavo Guerrero comes out to say that he, too, thinks Vickie is tarnishing the Guerrero name. Vickie books Rey vs. Chavo for tonight. They do a staredown while Edge, Vickie, and Teddy leave. Jamie Noble defeated Chuck Palumbo with a crucifix after a fairly underwhelming match. Afterwards, Chuck blames Michelle McCool for the loss and yells at her in the corner until Noble chases him off. MVP vs. Ric Flair is announced for the Royal Rumble. MVP talks down Flair and says he will make an example out of Flair's former protege. In the subsequent match, Batista defeats MVP via countout. Afterwards, MVP grabs a chair and Batista gives him a huge spear. Undertaker defeats Mark Henry and Matt Striker in a handicapped match via tombstone piledriver on Striker. This was a glorified squash. Big Daddy V came out afterwards and this led to a 2 on 1 beatdown of the Deadman. Earlier in the show, Mr. McMahon, Hornswaggle, and Finlay were backstage. Vince talked up Hornswaggle's chances of winning the Royal Rumble. Finlay said it was not safe for Hornswaggle to be in the Rumble and that Vince wasn't "living up to their deal." Vince said Finlay promised never to mention it again. Hornswaggle defeated Runjan Singh in an arm wrestling match. Great Khali attacked Finlay after the match. Kane defeated Deuce via pinfall after a chokeslam in a quick squash. Rey Mysterio defeated Chavo Guerrero after a 619 and a headbutt off the top. Edge and the Edgeheads attacked Rey after the match. Edge posed with the title to end the show
There is no way they let Hornswoggle win the battle royal, no matter how popular he is. It's too illogical to have a 3 foot midget as your no. 1 contender against either Randy Orton, Edge, or CM Punk's titles, and I think Beth Phoenix would step on the poor lad.
Unfortunately, it's never stopped Mr. McMahon and the WWE from doing stupid things like this. :rollinglaugh: But I am sure somebody is going to toss Hornswoggle into the third deck probably. :rollinglaugh: