NFLDraft Countdown 2 Round Mock

Discussion in 'NFL Draft Discussion' started by FSUViking, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. FSUViking

    FSUViking BANNED

  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I like that Steelers 2nd Round Pick in Justin King. I think they are going to go OL or DL with the 2 and 3 pick...
  3. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    I like both picks..
  4. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    I know Jake Long is the safe pick and I'll be happy to have him but I'd prefer the risk of getting a franchise QB in Ryan. I like the first 2nd rd pick....Curtis Lofton MLB from Oklahoma......the other 2nd rounder I don't know much about.
  5. Dam8610

    Dam8610 Starter

    What about Chris Long? With Parcells coming in and Long having a TON of experience in the 3-4, not to mention the speed/size combo to play end or rushbacker, he seems to make a great deal of sense.
  6. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    well i love love love the pick of big vern. but this dude already has atlanta having our second pick from a deal that might not even go down
  7. ketbuckfan

    ketbuckfan Tressel owns Michigan

    I like both picks for the Bengals. Ellis in the first and Erin Henderson OLB from Maryland in the second. We need defensive playmakers. I just hope Ellis falls to #9.
  8. BigBuckeyeFan

    BigBuckeyeFan Team Veteran

    I agree with you on the Bengals taking Ellis at 9. But I have to diagree with you on Henderson, I think he is too injury prone and I would like to see the Bengals take a faster more athletic linebackerin the second round like a Xavier Adibi or a Cliff Avril
  9. packerboy

    packerboy Bugger off

    I'd be pleased with that draft, alot. A good phsyical in the first round and then a tackle so we have our tackles sorted out.
  10. epinesett

    epinesett Special Teamer

    I agree

    I like both choices and it would be a great move, but I think the Rams will go OL in the 2nd round. Oh yeah I wouldn't mind getting Gholston in round one (dude is a Monster)!
  11. Marion Who?

    Marion Who? Captain Stiff Arm

    Happy with that!
  12. P16

    P16 posting while intoxicated

    I really hope we don't draft Talib, he's a bust waiting to happen IMO. Usually CBs that needs work on technique and footwork coming out of the draft don't pan out. Antrel Rolle is a great example. I'd much rather have Cason.
  13. falcon_91

    falcon_91 Pro Bowler

    Flacco over Brohm...just genius

    also imo Otah is way too raw to go top 5, Clady looks a much better prospect and will probably be able to start straight away i question whether or not Otah will. Also imo Clady will translate into the best LT in this draft clbutt.
  14. JAUK32

    JAUK32 The "M" Pire

    I like both our picks have to wait to see what we do with our secondary.
  15. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    But you don't rate Joe Flacco at all, and I swear you always go on about how good Brohm is... :icon_eek:

    If Merling, Jackson, Groves and Calais Campbell are the on the board when the Jaguars are OTC at #26 I think I'll have a heart attack.

    Also, I'm happy we're looking at the Safety position on Day One after we released Sammy Knight.
  16. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    I would be ok with those 2 picks. I would prefer Albert or Merling over a reciever though.
  17. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    I think the iggles might look at Malcolm Kelly is he's available at their pick! But I could live with those picks
  18. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    That's if they don't pick up Matt Jones if we release him. :icon_wink:
  19. falcon_91

    falcon_91 Pro Bowler

    Brohm's the best QB in this draft....just because Mike Mayock creams over Ryan - and Flacco to some extent - doesn't make them good on the gridiron.

    Flacco over Brohm makes no sense WHAT SO EVER. The only plus side to Flacco is his "tremendous upsiide" and that is based on him being 6'6 and having a big arm. Guess what in the velocity drills at the combine Flacco was measured at 57MPH, Brohm 56MPH, so if 1MPH means more than being more NFL ready,being more accurate, knowing how to run a non shot gun based offense and being pretty much better at everything a QB needs to be good at then i frankly give up on the system.