Purely passing...Peyton is the best QB in the NFL. I don't see how you can disagree. I'd rather have Brady on my team but Peyton is the best.
Just a note: Im gonna count "write in" ballots. So if the guy you want isnt in the poll, just post his name. Im sure I forgot a few solid candidates Ill do defence tommorw
Because you have flawless grammar :icon_rolleyes: I went with Brady, he's just behind Peyton, but take into consideration playoff performance, he's superior.
Manning=Brady>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone else. I just voted manning because I like him more. Awful homer picks:icon_rolleyes:
I chose David Garrard. :icon_cool: He'll run your LB'ers over and he has a laser arm. You just watch out in '08.
Hey guys, I have to go to Virginia with the reserves for 2 weeks. Im gonna wait to do defense till after that. I wanted to wait a couple days after the offence, but I totally forgot about Virginia
Any choice other than Brady or manning is asinine. had i not I seen the Giants pass rush get to Brady I would have picked him. He has shown to be human so Peyton it is.