MG, we don't expect anything we just wanted to give credit where credit is due and to let our members know that he was a major part of GIF.
very classy steve n sweets! i waz like wtf when i came back 2 c him gone. he waz a great asset to diz site. congratz bra!
Well after TJ's emotional speach, I feel forced to annoy you all a little bit too. :icon_cheesygrin: I came to GIF, when SRW posted something in a Yahoogroup I was a member of. It was a pure Packers group, with little activity. So I decide to visit GIF and I liked it from the moment I get on the site. I saw everything I want, the latest news, ongoing discussions and activity. Due my less than medicore english skills, I was only reading was ppl posted, but seldom did a single post. It took awhile to take off my shyness and I started posting. At some point, I realized that nobody cares about my sometimes bad english and that there are members, whose english is worse, so I get into the posting more and more. When Steve was looking for help on the site, I stepped up and became a Reporter and a Team Rep. As Steve was looking for Mods, I hesitate for a long time, bc I didn't know much about all this php stuff. But he wiped away all my concernes and made me a Mod. I start to run the old bookie system and the old Pick'em game ( a feature I'm hardly missing, but there is nothing compareable for vBulletin), to give Steve more time for the site setup. (Hell, I thought he would spent more time with Sweets too, but that's him... :icon_wink: ) I felt really honored, when I was promoted to the first SuperMod and never expected to became an Admin, bc I have no clue about all this coding and stuff. But when I was on vacation on came here for a brief visit, a PM window poped up, saying that I'm an Admin now... Well always expect the unexpeted.... Finally I want to thank all the members. W/o you, GIF would be nothing. All the fans from differnt teams, with differnt views is what GIF is all about. There is no confirmity here, bc the rules let you (almost) be what you like to be and voice out your opinion in a unique way. Thanks again for making GIF a great place to be....
Congrats TJ. You may be a Turd fan but I've always enjoyed your football takes and it's a pleasure to converse with you on this site. You'll never be as good as Pac Man as me though, although your team now has a Pac Man of its own (sorry, they don't
Another Turd fan! The Pro Football HOF was a Redskins affair but this one has turned into a Turd love-fest!. Nevertheless, Omen is a quality guy who is good fun to post with. Congrats.