2008 GIF Suicide League

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by dolphindude13, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    Is there an award for first one out?
  2. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    You could change your user title to #1 Loser...
  3. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Pm'd RidinBurgundy, Mediaguy and ketbuckfan.
  4. Anidem

    Anidem Official demonic presence

    Lemme in.
  5. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Still have some spots open if anyone else wants in.
  6. Buffgrandpa

    Buffgrandpa Resident Pervert

    Let me know, dude
  7. bandi

    bandi Hall Of Famer

    I want to play dude! :icon_cheesygrin:
  8. Dougerrrr

    Dougerrrr Laus Deo

    Wanda, you wanna play dude? The rest of us are playing a suicide league :icon_cheesygrin:
  9. Buffgrandpa

    Buffgrandpa Resident Pervert

    Hey if Wanda wants to play, just roll with it... trust me, if only half of what those truck drivers tell me is true... you will enjoy it..:icon_evil:
  10. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Got Bandi and Dougerrr
  11. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    My fat computer challenged butt is in. Do not let me to forget to make a pick.
  12. n1gbpackfan

    n1gbpackfan Title Town USA

    You can check the box to send you a reminder every Thursday - or Friday! :icon_cheesygrin:
  13. CP26

    CP26 Im Back Mofos

    Is it too late?

    Would like to join
  14. brakos82

    brakos82 30% more cats than last year!

    Hope not - I want in too... :think:
  15. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    I think I've got everyone up to this point. We still have a few more days before the season if anyone else wants in.:beerchug:
  16. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Don't forget season starts tomorrow. Get your picks in.
  17. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

  18. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    do you pick all the games?
  19. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    One different team a week. Strike one and your out.
  20. TOP DAWG

    TOP DAWG Pro Bowler

    I'm up for it if it's not too late.