We Love The Jersey; Not The Player

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by SoDev, May 6, 2009.

  1. SoDev

    SoDev Don't tase me, bro!

    Switching when your 8 doesn't count, and if you team up and moves you no longer are tied to them. If the Giants moved to L.A. or something, I'm out, heck that would piss me off. I may just never choose another favorite team.

    Capt. I know a few people that love the NFL, but aren't die hard to any one team. That is fine as long as that is always the case. Also, if you always liking the 'good' teams then your life is waaaaaay to easy and fans that are die hard to a team deserve to give you a hard time. Not saying that is what you do. :icon_wink:
  2. JBrett

    JBrett Training Camp Body

    I don't get how a player retiring would change your feelings for your team. Were the Steelers supposed to follow Bettis around begging him to play until his legs fell off? Maybe they should have hired a team of scouts to search for the fountain of youth? Doesn't really seem to fit the main scheme of your post.
  3. multibeast

    multibeast Special Teamer

    I wish BDawk the best in the future, but when he comes to the Linc he will get a standing ovation before the game but after that (unfortunately) he is the enemy. No way I'm becoming a Broncos fan.
  4. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    A fan of the NFL but no team is as bad as a flip flopper.