Cortland Finnegan Calls Out Towel-Stomping Titans

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans' started by SRW, May 12, 2009.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Keith Bulluck has long been one of the leaders of the Titans defense, but he was just called out by teammate Cortland Finnegan. In a chat on, Finnegan was asked if we will see more Terrible Towel stomps this season--something Lendale White and Bulluck did after the Titans' regular season win over the Steelers last year. Finnegan made it clear that not only does he not expect to see it again, but he's pretty upset that any Titan would do it. "No, absolutely not. Certain individuals may do that, but that's not what this team is all about. That's not what this coach is about, that's not what our team is about. You do it in between the lines ... the rest of it is unacceptable."

    Source: NFL Fanhouse
  2. Cap07

    Cap07 Rookie

    Can Cort Finn really call people out for gameday behaviour? He gets in more fights than Jackie Chan