Titans RB LenDale White Defends Defacing A Terrible Towel

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans' started by SRW, May 16, 2009.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Earlier this week, Titans cornerback Cortland Finnegan admitted that defacing the Terrible Towel wasn't "... what this coach is about, that's not what our team is about. You do it in between the lines ... the rest of it is unacceptable." He was referring to this, when teammates LenDale White and Keith Bulluck went to town on a Terrible Towel in the closing minutes of their Week 16 beatdown of the Steelers. Appearing on Sporting News Radio Wednesday, White shared his thoughts on Finnegan's remarks: "That's football to me. I have fun with the game and like I said, if Troy [Polamalu] and Willie Parker and Big Ben... if me stepping on that towel made them want to win a championship even hard[er] then I feel bad for their coaches anyways. If me and Keith Bullock... if me stepping on your towel made them win a Super Bowl ... they better hope we step on it again this year right? We go out there and play, we love this game. you brought your towel into our stadium, that's our house and we defend it how we defend it. Cortland defends it how he does. He get his personal fouls and his fines and that's what he does."

    Source: NFL Fanhouse
  2. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    first off, it was hardly a beat down....that last play for a TD inflated the scoreboard

    second....who cares

    third, if its really a problem then kick the crap out of them week one
  3. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    Cortland defends it how he does. He get his personal fouls and his fines and that's what he does."

    lol? wtf...
  4. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I love how he throws Finnegan under the bus...


    Really, does anyone care what an out of shape back-up RB has to say?
  5. SoDev

    SoDev Don't tase me, bro!

    This is sooo last year... at least until they meet again.
  6. TexanDynasty

    TexanDynasty Rookie

    Who cares about the Steelers littile yellow towel. and thats what happens when you take it to someone elses house and catch a beat down. I'm pretty sure it didn't cause the Steelers to win the SB, I like C.Finnegan but he's acting like a little snitch right now.
  7. Cap07

    Cap07 Rookie

    he's less out of shape than ever - and lead the AFC in rushing TDs last year
  8. warcrychief

    warcrychief Ur just da assistant Pimp

    who cares about alittle yellow towel? lol
  9. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  10. warcrychief

    warcrychief Ur just da assistant Pimp

    Will you stomp it when it comes to Arrowhead HH? :lola:
  11. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    It won't even make it into the gate...

  12. reigningblkngold

    reigningblkngold Minister of defense

    to add to that if your not steel city born and bred you will not understand the meaning of the towel second that towel makes it threw everyones gate as we have the biggest fan base!
  13. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    its all jsut bulletin board crap for te team to get fired up and kick the crap out of them the next time....its not a matter of what the towel mean and steel city smash mouth hoo rah its just disrespect and bad sportsmanship
  14. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Yesterday, Nate Washington was asked if he was in a scenario where the Titans were up on the Steelers 19-10 with 30 seconds left in the Week One game and he saw Keith Bulluck and LenDale White stomping another Terrible Towel what he would do...

    Nate said he's go over and pick the towel up. He can't let anyone disrespect his roots...

  15. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    chris hope didnt mind letting it go