Singletary, Niners Wrap Up OTAs With QB Competition

Discussion in 'San Francisco 49ers' started by Kronic, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Kronic

    Kronic "On The Wild Side"

  2. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Hill is our starter, I just wish they would just announce it and be done with it.
  3. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    Yea but this way Hill works harder.
  4. kchubb

    kchubb Rookie

    yea Hill will start the season as the starter... I still think we should go after Vick though... although we said we won't...
  5. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    What possible reason would you want Vick for?
  6. kchubb

    kchubb Rookie

    Well, we can get a pro bowl caliber QB for an extremely discounted price. He's someone that, behind our shaky line, can extend the play with his legs and has a gun. He's more experienced than what we have now...
    If anything just to take a chance on him. No one else seems willing to take him so if we can get him for cheap i think the reward outweighs the risk...
  7. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    First, Vick was never a pro bowl caliber QB, he was a pro bowl scrambler and that why he made it possible, second is that if you noticed how bad Pac Man Jones, who actually had talent at his position, was after missing a year, Imagine how time away is going to affect Vick, who was never a good QB. Not to mention the bad publicity that would follow him by those crazy PETA and animal rights people. Every day of practice and every game would have protesters.
  8. kchubb

    kchubb Rookie

    How does him making it because of his ability to run not make him a pro bowl caliber qb? By definition he IS a probowl qb... 3 times in fact. Some qbs can stand in the pocket and throw it all over the place. Some get outside the pocket and make plays. Which one is right? It's about being effective at what you do within the position... and he was extremely effective at what he did. And it's not like he was an awful passer... in 2006 he threw for 2474 yards and 20 tds with 13 ints... Not bad... Not bad at all when you factor in 1039 yards he posted on the ground. Are you telling me thats not a probowl season? Well, I will, because it wasn't... The three times he made were in 2002 when he threw for almost 3000 yards, 03 and 04 he threw 23 and 2400 yards respectively...

    Now, I understand that taking 2 years off will hurt him. Fine. Just realize that he wants to play in the NFL and he's not getting any takers. The 9ers would be able to get him CHEAP... if he works out, awesome, if not, oh well. Our system this year is going to be focused around the run. Hill or Smith just need to get in there and not make mistakes. You put Vick back there to hand the ball off, throw it when necessary, and expand the pocket, PLUS a very dangerous wildcat option... why wouldn't we take the risk...?

    Oh because of freaking PETA? I agree it would be a distraction but it wont last forever. People forget, especially when you win.