Pittsburgh Steelers @ Washington Redskins

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by 86WARD, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    burnett had a bad game, but i like him alot...he followed up a great game with a not so great one....rookie mistakes, but the guy has everything to succeed.

    mendenhall looked better, hes getting better every week. hes still crap in pass blocking but that comes with being a steeler i guess

    logan made a big push to be the returner, hes got some serious ability.

    legursky looked solid at LG...best olineman last night

    hood wwas doubled alot and got alot of pressure...hes got good hustle and good pass rushing ability....stuff we all knew but i would really like to see how he holds up against the run in a our base defense, thats what im always looking for but i guess they arent asking him to do that with the reserve dlineman that he looks like a man among boy in. still alot of ???? about how effective he can be as a 34end imo. interior pass rusher though hes great, but we all knew that shouldnt be an issue

    batch is absolute crap...completed like 4 passes, 2 of which were big time bailouts with great catches
  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Burnett lost the game last night with another fumble on the punt that set up a Redskins TD on the following play. That was his third in two games...he's not impressing me at all. He also got used by Marko Mitchell.

    Mendenhall had a couple nice runs and showed some potential that he hasn't shown yet...he had a few nice runs against the Redskins second team. But the whole run game in general wasn't great.

    Stefan Logan was awesome in the return game...he looked like a poor mans Darren Sproles. If he has another preseason game like that, he'll take a roster spot from some RB...probably Summers. Parker, Moore, Mendenhall, Davis, Logan will probably be the final 5 if Logan keeps it up.

    There is definite improvement in the pass blocking this season. They're giving the QB's some time...it continued last night. Batch had some time to throw, however, as K Train put it, he was crap. He warmed up on the second and third series, but overall, we're in trouble if they want to depend on him for a few games. Hopefully if we lose Ben, it will go Batch short fix, Dixon long term. Dixon hurt his shoulder, seperated it, but I haven't heard anything about how bad it was. He looked decent. Threw a couple nice balls to Wallace...Sweed still has to learn how to catch the easy pbutt. Dropped one right in his gut...he obviously didn't watch it in and started to turn and run before having control...Wallace was playing the #3 spot with the starters...so did Brandon Williams...who switched to #82 and looked a little like Antwan Randle El out there.

    Hood looked good. I think he had a sack, a couple tackles for losses and chased Daniel across the field and forced him out of bounds to get a second sack...I think that was a sack. The one sack was legit too...not like the free shot he got last week.

    Ward had a sweet grab that he went up for on an errant Batch throw for a 24 yard gain.

    The NFL Network is replaying the game tomorrow at 4PM EST...
  3. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    rewatching the game now....few more things

    wallace is sick

    sweed is delicious as a run blocking WR
  4. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Yea Wallace is sick.

    Despite Burnett's mistakes he will make the team, he has good potiental as a DB. Punt returner, not so much. We got Logan for that :icon_lol:
  5. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    hes a prototype nickel guy....but as a returner i still like him. he was in the top 10 in both kick and punt returns last year and was the only guy on both lists....hes got the ability. it was his first road game hopefully he'll get better and avoid willie reid syndrome
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Yikes...Willie Reid Syndrome...career ending disease...
  7. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    at least as a return man
  8. Forge

    Forge Starter

    What is the word on Reilly at QB? Havent seen much of him except the Redskin game. Are they bringing him along slowly? He didnt look to bad Saturday night. But the O Line gave him no time at all to throw. Is he a project over 2-3 years?
  9. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Reilly won't make the roster...he's more or less an extra arm for camp...
  10. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Downloaded the game in HD quality last night, Going to watch it today. Only problem I see is that it's the "Redskins network" so it's going to be some bias butt comentators.
  11. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Thiesman and Mike Patrick (he's not bad.) Theisman is horrific as usual...
  12. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Watched the game, Logan is definitely looks like a legitimate threat as a kick returner and can explode at anytime during a game. A poor man's Sproles maybe? (As far as kick returns go anyways)
  13. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I'm really looking forward to seeing if he keeps it going against the Bills.
  14. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    You and me both, I will have to find a stream right when I get home from work Saturday, shouldn't be a problem thought. Just glad football is back :steelers: