24: Live Another Day Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by DaBears22, May 5, 2014.

  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    That was pretty damn good,
  2. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    Honestly people say we've seen this before. I Don't give a damn if I see it a 100 times, it's ducking awesome.

    And By the way. Fox had pretty darn good ratings for the show!!! because it's better then all that reality TV crap that these guys keep airing.. I just hope this season is as good as the openers.
  3. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    i'd have to disagree in 24's case, the major part that was attractive about the show was it's "unpredictablity". having another mole is anything but.

    i'll still watch though, only because it's not on when game of thrones is on.
  4. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    This ^^^

    That was my main point. People who do somewhat like this show will continue to watch it because either nothing better is being offered or they like it being repetitive. :)
  5. DaBears22

    DaBears22 Matt Forte = future MVP Staff Member

    Another hour of 24 tonight. Last weeks premiere was good although it seemed formulaic to me. Not going to complain too much because at least the show is back. Wtf happened to Chloe? Doesn't really seem to work with the character as it was in the past.
  6. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    My DVR didn't record it last monday night, I'm bummed out
  7. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Based on the preview, once again we'll see Jack chasing the bad guy/girl with the CIA getting in his way. If the formula works...

    I want to see what will happen once Heller learns Jack is on the loose.

    As for Chloe, like I said above, I don't like that new emo look, but apparently she's still the same old Chloe.
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    On demand?
  9. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    And its this kind of idiocy that keeps the studios churning out garbage like this and the constant flood of neverending remakes and reboots. If people today are willing to watch the same crap 100 times over, why ever bother to do something new and original?
    86WARD likes this.
  10. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    DirecTV doesnt provide that
  11. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    My biggest complaint of all the ducking reboot Superhero movies...
    LebaneseFF likes this.
  12. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    last night's episode was way too predictable and boring.
  13. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    I liked it, and the cliffhanger shows promise.

    Did I miss something? Did they fly the liutenant guy from the U.S. to London in an hour and a half? Or was he in London all along? I know sometimes they skipped travel times in LA in past seasons, but I think this is ridiculous.
  14. DontKnowMe

    DontKnowMe Anti-Social Networker

    He was in London already.
  15. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Yeah, that makes more sense. I guess I missed the part when they explained he was already in London.
  16. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    well either way at least we all know now that catelyn stark didn't die, she just moved to fox on monday's.
  17. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    I watch the episode 1 day later because I have to download my stuff.

    my say

    1) President Heller situation is probably the most interesting part of this season. (they can do a lot with this and I am dying to see where it goes)
    2) I am loving the Margot mum bad ass. having a camera in every room....
    3) Not sure I understand why they got Chloe this whole new look. SO they killed Prescot and Morris and it was supposed to be her, and it's ALL because of Jack. This really doesn't explain everything. There is a sub-plot here and I am not sure they will play it out.
    4) Kate Morgan (or the girl from Chuck) Does anyone realize what is happening here? SHE IS JACK... She is the female Jack from season 1, 2 and more. The one who was married and the one who's lover got caught. (NINA) The one who is beating up bad guys like the government DOESN'T allow. The one who has a mole in her secret life. Very compelling plot-line here and my guess is this is one they will play on quite a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if her ex-husband (Adam I think it was) comes back as the big bad guy in this season.
    TJ likes this.
  18. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    Spot on man.
    but it's even worse, have you seen how many Godzilla's they have rebooted? It's insane.. and they aren't even superheros' they are nothing. It's creepy
  19. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    like i said i'll watch this season but the show is like the movie ground hog's day at this point.
    86WARD likes this.
  20. DaBears22

    DaBears22 Matt Forte = future MVP Staff Member

    I ended up falling asleep and the only part of the last show that I saw was when Chloe told Jack what happened to Morris and the kid. :dunno: