:icon_cheesygrin: yep, we do...can't argue about that. ps- if you want to start crap come up with something better.:icon_rolleyes:
There's no need to open such a thread. The 49ers are smack talked by their own fans already. :redface:
We spent all that money on defense, dumbcrap, and the defense is pretty freaking good...better than yours, lol. Can't argue the fact that we suck overall though...I haven't seen an offense this pathetic since...since...at least since the '04 version of this team, and at this point I would have to say this year is worse.
We've actually made something called the playoffs the last 3 years. Where were the 49ers? Oh wait.........they weren't there. :rollinglaugh:
"My team made the playoffs and not yours so you suck, blablabla..." Wow! You're such a great smack talker.
why stop at the last three (3) years ? how about we look at things during your pathetic lifetime. bears 88/havlet - born 2/1/88 da bears - 7 playoff appearences - no super bowl victories. 49ers - 12 playoff apprearences 3 super bowls.
49ers suck nolan dong. nolan is to endzone what nerd is to vag**a. they just don't know how to get it. and hostler is the new billy davis.