Accused Killer Won't Testify In Darrent Williams Murder Trial

Discussion in 'Denver Broncos' started by SRW, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Willie D. Clark, 26, is on trial in the death of Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams early New Year's Day 2007. Citing unspecified threats he said he has received, Clark has told Judge Christina Habas that he will not testify in the trial and Clark's attorneys said the threats, directed at Clark and his family, have been referred to police, but were not more specific. Clark is charged with first-degree murder, 16 counts of attempted murder, two counts of second-degree assault, illegal discharge of a firearm and other crimes that could land him in prison for the rest of his life.

    Source: Denver Post