Attempt To Lower Government Contribution To Vikings Stadium Defeated

Discussion in 'Minnesota Vikings' started by SRW, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    An attempt to decrease the state's contribution to the new Minnesota Vikings' stadium by $10 million was defeated by the House Taxes Committee on Wednesday.

    The proposal by Rep. Pat Garofalo, R-Farmington, failed on a 13-11 vote.

    The proposal was related to concerns over funding for the new stadium. Gov. Mark Dayton and legislators are concerned that the state's chief funding source, a new version of barroom gambling called e-pulltabs, is producing far less revenue that was predicted.

    Garofalo said his measure, offered as an amendment to the House tax bill, would simply reduce the overall government commitment from $498 million to $488 million, in part to give the House Taxes chair leverage in negotiations over the stadium project.

    Source: Star Tribune